large mount


MGF, Master Grumble Framer
Apr 28, 2002
Albuquerque, NM
I was looking for 60x96 foam board for mounting a large map (50x56). My suppliers say that size has been discontinued. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to mount something this size? We're not framing, just mounting.

The map is paper, about 50 years old. The customer is NOT interested in any conservation methods... just get it done. (OK, OK :eek: , sheesh!)

Haven't ordered coroplast yet, but I want to! Can't you get it bigger, and isn't it stronger and less likely to bow at the larger sizes?
Bob coroplast is much stronger and does resist bowing better-specially if you mount two pices cross grain. However I do not know it to come larger than 48x96. If it does Small corp out of Mass. would have it.

Susan by mount, do you mean drymount or what exactly?
Patrick Leeland
Coroplast is corrugated, so I don't think you wanna mount anything directly to it.

It's fabulous stuff, but has its limitations.
It is possible to splice fome board for mounting. You will need smooth matboard to face it with. Press two pieces of heat mount fomeboard together, edge to edge, and tape flat along the BACK, unglued side of the seam. Burnish the tape down. Carefully turn the joined pieces over, and atg sheets of matboard on the front, making sure their seam* does not line up with the seam on the fomeboard. Lay mounting tissue over this, and you are ready to mount. As you mount the map, the matboard will be firmly attached to the fomeboard, making a sturdy backing.

* For a really invisible seam, bevel the edges of the mat board, one beveled up, the other beveled down, and overlap them, to make a smooth joint.
How are you planning on mounting this map? Do you have a really GIANT press? or are you going to wet mount it in some way. I beleive you can get Gatorboard and Sintra in 60" widths. Try a local plasics dealer or sign business supplier for the sintra.

Whatever you do.... good luck! That's a biggin`
As to the mounting method, we were considering 1)
Using film, with a tacking iron in the middle (for the few inches the press wouldn't be able to get to) and then rotating, corner-by-corner; or 2) Getting all the gals at the beauty shop next door to help us with a spray mount.

The daughter of an aging dad is doing this for him to have something he likes in his room. (I'm reading "hospital" or "nursing home" here). She's not concerned with conservation, or even quality for that matter. Although I don't want to send out something that is not up to par.

Thanks for your suggestions!