Large flag mount


Grumbler in Training
Feb 10, 2005
St. Louis
I have done searches on this topic and some had mentioned chloroplast? (hope I spelled that right). I have been to the local hardware stores (Home Depot/Lowes) and can't seem to find any. The flag is approx 3'x5' and will be using the Attach-EZ to mount. Can anyone lead me to a place where I can pick this up? Or turn me on to another idea for mounting this? Would rather get it locally, since the shipping would be rather costly. BTW it is a Nascar flag with the top 40 drivers autographs, so conservation will be an issue.

Thanks in advance!
It's spelt Coroplast and up here in Canada Home Depot sells it along with just about any other home improvement store. It looks like this...


It's also know as Plastic Cardboard.
If conservation matters, one would not want to
mount an autographed flag to Coroplast or Cor-X.
Stitching it to well-washed, unbleached muslin
that has been stretched over conservation quality
board that lies on top of a sealed wooden straniner with cross bars, is a safer option.

According to some museum papers I have read Coroplast is a corrugated polyethylene and meets conservation requirements because it is chemically inert as well as waterproof. I've been wrong before though
The next question:
I will journey to the Depot tonite...I spent about 45 mins searching for the it. Since most of these stores are carbon copies of each other, can you tell me what general section/area I can find it? I am going to have my 3 year old with me, so in and out is paramount!
Thanks for the feedback!
Why don't you phone them first and see if they have it. Maybe the number is here...

Southtown Home Depot
3202 S Kingshighway Blvd
St Louis, MO 63139

South County
7481 S Lindberg Blvd
Saint Louis, MO 63125

Sunset Hills
10890 Sunset Hills Plaza
Saint Louis, MO 63127

Typically it's kept with the sheet goods like panelling because it is usually sold in 4 X 8 Sheets. Coroplast is a brand name so try that or try "corrigated plastic" or "plastic cardboard"
Hey, if you're looking for coroplast in the St. Louis area, try Graphic Outfitters. They are down towards Dog Town and the market, I can get there but I don't know the streets well enough to guide you. Call them at 800-552-7776 and they can give you directions.

If you happen to go over to St. Clair Square to shop, there is another graphics place over there that carries coroplast. Their company is called Graphics Suppliers, Inc. and they are on Old Rte. 50 before you get to O'Fallon. (About a mile East of St. Clair Square on old 50.) Their number is 618-624-0055.

I have dealt with both these companies and they will do you right.

If you are still interested in Coroplast
Look under "sign supplies" in St. Louis yellow pages for a distributor near you.
Best option is muslin stretched over stretchers,
flag stitched in place.

rob gulf