Large Easel Search


MGF, Master Grumble Framer
Jul 4, 2002
Centralia, IL
I'm looking for a supplier that carries heavy duty easels large enough to handle at least a 30 X 40 Frame 3" deep.

Thanks for any help.


Build 'em, my friend. You have the smarts and the tools to build alot better easels than you will ever buy from any easel company.

Look at Amron's current catalog for some ideas and then hack up some red oak or whatever you can buy at Central City Lumber or Carter's out on Rte. 50 and use oak cup or coat hanger pegs (those wooden pegs that have sort of a mushroom head on them) with a few holes drilled in the faces of the easel legs for adjustment. You can get those oak pegs at Ace Hardware in Salem. They have a large craft supplies section and there are different lengths to choose from there.

I built those easels that I had in my old gallery that way and they are still working today.

Email if you want more information.

Back to the top.


I hope I didn't kill your thread with my suggestion.

Hey guys, if you have an outlet for heavy duty easels, chime in here!

Help my friend out.

Thanks Framerguy.

I'll keep the thought of making my own. I just don't have time right now to do it.

This customer is not to concerned about the price.


Mabe if I had asked the question like:

"I'm looking for a way to do a professional quality Easel without paying a professional price"


"Do you know a supplier that sells easels on the web for cost?"
I think I saw some at Wal-Mart when I was in there earlier this evening.

Or was it Hobby Lobby?

Oh, rats, I ran a LOT of errands.
What is your budget for this type of easel? We sell light weight to heavy duty easels.