LARGE Dyptych on Masonite in ONE Frame


Jul 23, 2004
Louisville Colorado
I have an artist that created an "Artwork" by painting on 2 separate pieces of thin masonite - each 3 feet by 6 feet. She insists that she wants the piece mounted in a single frame, with one board on top of the other. She also does NOT want any glazing. Besides the fact that the final project will be 6' x 6', how do I keep the seam together? The board is so thin, it bends and buckles in the middle.
It requires an astrigal frame. But even at that, 6' by 6' is just a little over the top.

Is it nice?

I notice that you said "Artwork".....
Artists have no business insisting that framers
repeal the laws of physics. Overlapping the edges
of thin sheets of such board will do nothing to
make them rigid or to keep them together. It is
the artist's problem, not yours.

The few times that I have done framing against my better judgement, I have been sorry later... because whose fault is it when it fails? The artist's? Not likely... Run! Run! Run away!
Since it is "artwork", you can make a spline out of plywood and run some sheet-rock screws into it. That should hold it in place. Or how about some plain ol' Corner Weld. Brad nails leave small holes but will not grip Masonite very well.

Framers tape, or duct tape may hold it in place.

If it really is a nice piece, disregard everything I said.
Not certain, but I think an astragal frame is one that has a divider in the middle to cover a seam. We used to see these with combinations of needlework and bulletin boards (or similar) in one frame.

I think I was building one when I lopped off part of my middle finger. Since then, they kinda fell out of favor, at least in MY shop.

I finished the order, though, and never let the customer forget it.
After reviewing all your wonderful responses, I simply called the artist and said the only person who had successfully done this lost part of a finger, and I wasn't willing to go that far. FINALLY, she settled on 2 frames. Thanks everyone - especially Ron.
Since Patti has solved her problem(Hi Patti!)I thought I'd take the time to point out what I imagine Ron's hand looks like.......


Which leads me to my point, there is one you know.......
<marquee><font color=red>Ron, have you worked or eaten at a Wendy's recently?</marquee></font color>

Sorry Ron, couldn't resist.......