Large Crocheted piece


CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
Jan 11, 2005
Lincoln, NE
Our customer brought in a large (46x54) piece that had been crocheted by his mother 15 years ago. She recently passed away and now the 5 kids are all getting together and having it framed and donating it to her church.

We ended up picking a deep blue suede from Frank's Fabrics and a nice wide LJ frame. We stretched the material with some fiberglass screening (Thanks Baer!) over stretcher bars and then sewing it all down.

We added an "In Loving Memory..." gold plate to the bottom of the frame. The final piece ended up being 62x70 with the frame.

Thanks for looking.


Whoa. Looks very nice. I like how the edges are showing and not stretch way out of place. Looks like it should!
Pretty impessive, thats getting up there in size. Custom plexi? How many days did it take you to get all the lint out of that one?
Thanks, guys. I did try to keep the corners right where they naturally wanted to lay. There was only 1 corner that was WAY different when natural. It wanted to lay about an inch further out than the other corners. So it was squished back into place. LOL

Yes it was custom plexi. I was actually pleased with getting it all clean. The suede fabric is really different from the suede matboards we usually use and didn't hold on to lint like the mat boards do. It was easy to get the lint off of the piece. The hardest part was getting the "grain" of the fabric to not show finger marks after putting it into the frame. It was really easy to change the direction of the suede and there is a major color difference.

Looks great Kym. I like the simplicity of the framing to show off the work. Very nicely done ;) .

Very good job Kym.

Proud to have been a part of such an impressive piece.

Make sure you email Frank a picture or two. Along with the dimentions... I think we are building an archive and maybe a book.