Laptop for sale


PFG, Picture Framing God
In Memorium
Rest In Peace

Gone but not forgotten
Apr 9, 2001
Clayton, NC
I have a Panasonic CF41 MKll laptop for sale.

It has 3.1, a CD player, that will, apparently only play CD's. I believe the HD is, like 325 meg.

It has 2 (?) plug-in modems. One is a 28.8, and the other is a 14.4.

It is complete; battery will hold a charge, power supply, etc. As far as I can tell, everything works. I would keep it, if I could convert it easily, and inexpensively for Internet use.

If anyone is interested, I'll take $200 for it, and buyer pays shipping.

Anyone interested? Figure it'd make on ok, inexpensive laptop for classroom work or something.

I nobody wants to buy it, or can tell me how to make it worthwhile for conversion to internet use, please let me know.
Why can't you use it for Internet now?
What operating system are you using??
325Meg is small is it real old?
What is the processor speed?

Inquiring minds want to know!
452.2 meg HD
Windows 3.1 for Workgroups
64Kb RAM

It has a 3" floppy drive and, mysteriously, 2 slots in the modem compartment. Also has a CD 'player', but I don't think it will actually let you write from CD to HD. Seems to be just for playing CD's or for tutorials.
What is the Processor speed?
If it's fast enough to run windows 95 then you can internet with it. There are some 3.1 programs out there if you can find them.