Laiminating - Hi Key Photographs

S Patterson

Jan 28, 2003
New Zealand
If I have the spelling wrong - photos that are predominantly white, ie people dressed in white, white background, white furniture. Basically any imperfections at all show and are not acceptable to photographers. I have been trying to laminate using heatseal products in a vacuum press. I use a tack cloth (waxy type cloth which picks up dust) consistantly during the process - I gain very good results but I need perfection. My question is what do the guru's use as a work surface, and the procedure they use to laminate from start to finish - step by absolute step. If I get this right it could be some very good dollars to my business.
I can't give you a step by step but i can suggest the first step: you're going to need a very flat and smooth and hard base to mount the pictures to, say acrylic or tempered board. Mount board, foam core will probably never work. Warren
Have you considered hinging the photo?

I know - I know...........they want it perfectly flat as well.

Well how about pressure activated board such as Crescent's PerfectMount.
Why laminate a perfectly good photo's surface? Are you not using glass? If not, change your mind -- unglazed photos,even when laminated, still accumulate grit & damages that can't be repaired. If perfection is the issue, then glazing is the only good answer, along with a non-invasive, removable mount.

The static mount suggested by dns works only with plastic-substrate photos; Ilfochrome/Cibachrome type.