Krylon or Kryptonite???


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jan 7, 2005
I have used Krylon Easy-tack twice. It seems to work well as a temporary adhesive. Does anyone out there know anything about this product? I know the spray mounting topic has been beaten to death, but are any sprays safe???
I don't want fabulous mounts and permanent brain damage, too. :eek: I have searched the 3M website, the Krylon wesite, and the NIOSH website. I can't seem to find any straight answers on the contents of these products. (I know, i know, i know that Super 77 is out of the question)
I don't have a press (nor do I have room for one in the near future).
Appreciate any info. Anything would be more than I have found.
Nothing that has more than a few carbon molecules and is designed to make stuff stick is safe. The term itself is ludicrous. A better term is least harmful.

Unless you notice rings of glue forming around the outside of your nostriles, then there is a high probability that you are smelling it and if you can smell it, its probably making its way into your lungs. Once lodged in the lungs it doesn't magically get digested. It stays there until some mechanical action (coughing) spews it out.

This is what my doctor told me who specialized in OSHA safety issues. Eventually the debris does come out when you have a cold. Those dark specs in you flem are the debris from 6 months ago.

The nasal septum does a good job of stopping about 70% of the debris load but some stuff rushes past the bouncer.

Whats gotten better is the plasticizers and solvents used in glues. Years ago they were bad, bad bad. They were so strong they could alter DNA.
I use to muse to myself that the Alchemists that use to contrive this crap were using some kind of unnatural selection ala Darwin. If you were dumb enough to use this stuff without a mask...heheh well let say maybe you shouldn't be passing on your DNA. I don't know how else to explain how these material made it into the market.

Bottom line even if its less harmful or more safer
use a mask or a dust collector. Five years from now when your reading about how the so called safe stuff...well isn't so safe.

Try a Google search for "MSDS" sheets and then type in Krylon. That should get you to the general area to do a search for your product and what it will do to you.

You can always wet mount things with YES paste. Its a little messier but done correctly it works wonderfully. It does help to have a press, but it can also be weighted down. I use a pc. of plate glass which gives a nice even pressure all around whatever I'm mounting.