SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
I just called a customer to tell her her frame project was ready to be picked up. While on the phone she said she had a question for me.
She had been shopping online and had found a poster on AllPosters that she liked and wanted to know if I could a)mount it and b) get the poster for her?
Before doing my "homework" I said yes and said my price would probably be less.
Well guess what. My poster retail price is the same so I can put the order in with my cumulative order. But the best part is she wanted it "mounted" like they do (but they couldn't trim off the white border like she wanted). I can. And my price to do the EXACT same thing but with choices of color and trimming was $10 less. And look at the added BENEFIT to my customer.
Good lesson for today. But how do we get all this information out to "John Q Public" - we are better, we can be less expensive and we offer personal, great service.
Retail Roz
I just called a customer to tell her her frame project was ready to be picked up. While on the phone she said she had a question for me.
She had been shopping online and had found a poster on AllPosters that she liked and wanted to know if I could a)mount it and b) get the poster for her?
Before doing my "homework" I said yes and said my price would probably be less.
Well guess what. My poster retail price is the same so I can put the order in with my cumulative order. But the best part is she wanted it "mounted" like they do (but they couldn't trim off the white border like she wanted). I can. And my price to do the EXACT same thing but with choices of color and trimming was $10 less. And look at the added BENEFIT to my customer.
Good lesson for today. But how do we get all this information out to "John Q Public" - we are better, we can be less expensive and we offer personal, great service.
Retail Roz