PFG, Picture Framing God
We are framing a flag from the Civil war. It is a 32 star flag that has had 2 extra stars neatly added. The customer found it under the floorboards of the attic of a house that he was demolishing. (It was in Frederick, MD, where sometomes it was unwise to have the flag of either one side or the other...) The frame is 48 x 80.
The Money Loss Factors so far are 1) the frame had to be larger than I figured. 2) I had to overdye the Crepeline that came from Talas. It was too bright over the red stripes. I ordered some black for over the field of stars, so I have to piece that in. And of course, I have to construct the overlay in sections anyway, because the fabric is narrower than the flag.
I know I need thicker than 1/8" plex. The guy at Acme Plastics thinks I can use 3/16. I am also concerned about the expansion coefficient over such a large space. Should I use a fillet to be sure that it stays in the frame?
The Money Loss Factors so far are 1) the frame had to be larger than I figured. 2) I had to overdye the Crepeline that came from Talas. It was too bright over the red stripes. I ordered some black for over the field of stars, so I have to piece that in. And of course, I have to construct the overlay in sections anyway, because the fabric is narrower than the flag.
I know I need thicker than 1/8" plex. The guy at Acme Plastics thinks I can use 3/16. I am also concerned about the expansion coefficient over such a large space. Should I use a fillet to be sure that it stays in the frame?