Oh my god the most scary thing happened today!
This lady came in with a new born baby and a little girl. The little girl was kind of hyper and was running all over the place. The mom sat the baby down and got control over the little girl. The mom was looking for Norman Rockwell prints, so I brought her to the print search program and showed her how to use it. The mother finally seemed to have perfect control over the little girl. I had to go to the back for something and I was gone for no longer than a minute when I hear two loud thuds!!
!! I hurried up to the front to see what the heck had happend and asked if everyone was okay. The little girl had ran underneath one of those big double sided easels with four very expensive framed Jessie Barns prints on it. Two of them crashed to the floor. Luckily the little girl was perfectly alright, but my heart was beating so fast and her mother was mortified. She could have really been hurt. Those pictures were huge! Both of the frames were damaged... one completely but no glass broke, thank goodness. The mother really wanted to pay for the picture, so we inspected it and decided that only one frame was completely unusable. We are just going to charge her cost for the replacement. When she left we decided to go ahead and cut the damaged frame down to a standard size so she could at least use it for something. Anyway, I always feel akward about getting on to childeren for running around the shop when the parents are right there. I don't want to offend the parent but on the otherhand I don't want anyone to get hurt or damage things in the shop. I guess I will just have to risk offending parents if they won't watch their kids and I will not leave them alone ever again! ...not even for a minute!
Anyone ever had this type of thing happen to them?
This lady came in with a new born baby and a little girl. The little girl was kind of hyper and was running all over the place. The mom sat the baby down and got control over the little girl. The mom was looking for Norman Rockwell prints, so I brought her to the print search program and showed her how to use it. The mother finally seemed to have perfect control over the little girl. I had to go to the back for something and I was gone for no longer than a minute when I hear two loud thuds!!

Anyone ever had this type of thing happen to them?