

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Resource Provider
Founding Member
Nov 5, 1997
No fixed address, Australia.
Full time grey nomad traveling Oz!
If you enjoy being amazed at software and technology, you should check this out:

Click on "Download Trial version".

Download the trial version of the software, install it and be prepared to say "WOW" at the very least!

The trial version for computers which have an "Nvidia" graphics card works for twice as long as the ordinary version. The link for this version is on the right side of the page.

I would love to have some framers in USA to email me your business address so I can see where you work!
Hello Ormond

One can also get this free at

Put your address, click on satellite, zoom in all the way, and you can see your shop or home from the sky.

nice toy! It's better resolution (and in color) from the ones that have been on the web for years at terraserver. I could see items in my back yard and specific trees.

They'll only let you zoom in so far, but the govt can zoom far enough in to read a license plate.

The google satellite image is not nearly as comprehensive as the terraserver one. The closest I can get to my location is four clicks out from maximum, which is about a 5 mile wide image. Maybe as time goes by they will put more effort into the boonies...
I tried using the Google satellite maps to look at the building in Two Rivers, WI that houses my new workshop. (I wanted to see if the guy hired to shovel the sidewalks has been keeping up. Lake-effect snow, ya know.)

I got an error message. Something to the effect that "this area has not yet been visited by European explorers, traders or trappers."
Keyhole is really cool, my husband has the full package. He is in real estate and does lots of commercial and ranch stuff....he loves it! You can't see any details of our house because of all the trees, and about all you can see of the store is my spiffy new foam roof! (208 W. Franklin St., Waxahachie, Texas 75165. By the way, the data is not "real time", it is only updated every few months, I think.
Originally posted by Mike-L@GTP:
One can also get this free at
From what I read, Google seem to have purchased "Keyhole".

Its only the trial version that is free. Its about $30 annually for personal and the Pro version is about $600.