kellar & Klein?


PFG, Picture Framing God
Founding Member
Aug 12, 2000
San Diego, CA
Anyone ordered frames from them lately? How did it go?

Idid once about 17 years ago. Didn't know tehy were still around
Do a search on here, know their name has come about before. I think they have a website too. Depending on what you are looking for there is also Vermont Hardwoods. I think they are a similiar product.

Two frames showed up at seven weeks from order date. The quality and timeliness falls below our expectations. We can live with four weeks. They did not sand the extended corners of the frames prior to finishing. This follows other problems from last year. We're shopping for alternatives. Any suggestions for custom Mortise & Tenon, Yoshida and Adirondack style frames?
Those are beautiful! Have you ordered any of these and are they as nice as they appear here?
Thanks Cornel for the suggestion.

Tim Holton has been by a few times and we do love his work without question. He's also one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. Some of our projects don't come with an appropriate budget or timeframe for Tim's work.

We're looking for lower priced providers (like Keller and Klein) where our cost per foot is $30 or less. Perhaps I shouldn't be disappointed in Keller and Klein... you get what what you pay for.