Keeton Matcutter Instructions

Greg Fremstad

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Sep 4, 2002
Eugene OR
A fellow framer donated a Keeton Matcutter to a worthy non-profit and they need an instruction sheet to help them adjust it.
Please FAX me at 1-541-431-4366 or Email at or call at 1-800-227-9934
Thank you.
I learned on a Keeton some twenty plus years ago and the cutter was over 10 years old then. there's not much that can be adjusted on them though
I started my business using a very old Keeton. I doubt if there are any instructions for them. The only thing I do remember was that the Keeton had to be throughly cleaned every day. The cutter just didn't work worth a darn if it had even the slightest dirt under the head or on the bar. It was one great cutter though, wish I hadn't sold it.

I have a Keeton Kutter with a Hendrixson head. The Keeton came with absolutely ZERO instructions and the Hendrixson head came with a 1/4 inch thick booklet of totally incomprehensible instructions written by RAH himself.

Actually Hendrixson had me on the phone for over two hours whilst I installed the head and I just kept saying "Uh-huh" to his questions and suggestions. He was an aerospace engineer before he became a framer. Talk about tech-talk!

But the Keeton works just great with only occasional cleaning and tefloning. Save small knock-outs to clean bar and use Q-tips and toilet paper - that's how Hendrixson taught me.

As a matter of fact - my head stopped sliding just yesterday (doesn't that sound weird?) and I disassembled the whole thing and found clumps of black oily (teflony?) crap everywhere it could possibly hide! When I cleaned it all nice and spiffy, I discovered some writing on the inside of the head. Bob had written, "Hi Mar" and I had totally forgotten!

Guess I should clean it more often!