Mike LeCompte CPF
MGF, Master Grumble Framer
OK I've been off this thing for quite awhile and maybe I've missed something and I recognize a coupla of the women speakers but who are the rest of these guys? Where's their track record?
try as I might--and unless Decor eliminated some pages out of MY magazine--I find no bios of most of these people.
Are they industry experts?
Retailing experts? (Heavens knows we could use more of them in the mix)
anyone heard of ANY of these people???
And while we're about it: where's the stuff like effective pricing strategies? Pricing for profit??? That kinda thing.
Is there an upheaval afoot I didn't hear about? Which wouldn't be surprising since I haven't been here in ages.
Just curious. I remember the old Decor shows where there were industry experts all over the palce. Just don't see them on the roster this trip
try as I might--and unless Decor eliminated some pages out of MY magazine--I find no bios of most of these people.
Are they industry experts?
Retailing experts? (Heavens knows we could use more of them in the mix)
anyone heard of ANY of these people???
And while we're about it: where's the stuff like effective pricing strategies? Pricing for profit??? That kinda thing.
Is there an upheaval afoot I didn't hear about? Which wouldn't be surprising since I haven't been here in ages.
Just curious. I remember the old Decor shows where there were industry experts all over the palce. Just don't see them on the roster this trip