Just some sites I found....

you are so right, dave...omg...that was totally not the intention of this thread. I know some of my customers have mentioned getting diplomas framed thru their respective colleges/universities and were shocked at the high prices. I was just browsing the web today to see what was available.
My one nephew graduated from college about a year ago and he got a pamphlet along with other stuff one of which had the offer from one of those companies to get a diploma frame. I was surprised at the prices they wanted. It was more than what my average price is for a diploma frame. And the thing is, it was just for the frame with just a few choices that they sent to you. You then had to put your diploma into it yourself.
And then there are those who would consider those prices a heck of a lot cheaper than $3,800 for a diploma frame... :eek: :D


but then, some things have a different perspective to them...
I just checked them out---didnt think the $$ out of line....thought an interesting line was "along with acid-free fasteners" -- didnt know there were acidic fasteners being made--PT Barnam, where are you when we could use you???
OK Baer, I'll bite.
What the heck is that diploma for?
First thought was that it is for a plumber but I don't remember seeing plumbing degrees from the UW.
Maybe Industrial Engineer? Wastewater Treatment? That diploma isn't floating in a sewage lagoon is it???