Just keepin' the customer happy.

Terry Hart cpf

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Sep 23, 2003
Excelsior, MN
Here's one i hadn't heard before. But first, back to the begining. A woman brings in a panoramic poster of the Grand Tetons from vacation to frame. With the help of our capable staff they chose to mat to the image covering up the big ol" GRAND TETONS title. nice frame, double mat, the top is fabric. She goes home. After a while she calls. Her husband "who's the one that knows about these thins" says the title has to show. Well, ok, I've already ordered a chop but they're increasing the order so I'll just order new long rails & cut the new shorts from one of the old longs & still have enough for a nice RM. The order gets done, looks great, she brings it home. She calls. Her husband "who knows about these things" says, and this is the part I've never heard before, for the price they paid for the bottom mat its too wimpy, he needs to see more of it (& of course in the process, less of the expensive fabric top mat. Fine I tell our help. Just find out what the (he) wants & we'll take care of it. He comes in & also complains (this is for Ron) about the wall buddies hanger. Not the right distance apart to find the studs. I tell him I just thought it was the best way to hang it ( 45"x19") but I could put on a wire instead. No he says (disgusted) just put it back on. I'll figure out some way to make it work. & some one asks if we have fun at this job? What could be better?
Wallbuddies on studs?

Does this thing weigh 200 pounds??? Is he going to to chin-ups on the frame? Is it the actual REAL Grand Teton mountains in the frame?
10 or 15lb I figure but he looks like he'd do chin ups on anything within reach. I think he's developed some muscle mass between the ears. Now thats entertainment. Also paid the bill 1/2 on a visa & 1/2 on mc. I didn't ask.
Originally posted by Terry Hart cpf:
Also paid the bill 1/2 on a visa & 1/2 on mc. I didn't ask.
I know why that was, both of the cards are close to being maxed out. He is living on the financial edge.

You would be surprised at how many people do that, and how nice the cars they drive are.
Or he's paying half and she's paying half. It happens a lot here... second marriages, independent women, you know...
OK Terry. I knew the story was completely fiction when you said the customer was unhappy with the wallbuddies. You had me up until then. Everybody on the surface of Earth LOVES those things. Perhaps next time you tell a whopper, you should be more careful if you include Wallbuddies into your story.
>>Also paid the bill 1/2 on a visa & 1/2 on mc.<<

I've had that happen. The reason was that the lady didn't want to raise any red flags with the old man about the total cost.

I guess she gets called on the carpet for any expenses over $xxx.

Maybe our credit card terminals could be set up to pre-authorise any sales with the spouse at the same time that it checks with the card company.

Jay, we will not be tolerating any hint of sarcasm on The Grumble. Consider yourself warned.
We had a guy recently who came in and ordered, after 3 visits and several deliberations, a print. He seemed like a very nice man to me. We framed it and I called and left a message on his machine that it was done. Laater that day our phone rang and it was a man asking who we were and what type of business we ran??

So I told him the info and he just said thank you and hung up. I thought I recognized his voice so I called him back and he pretended not to know anything! So then a little later he called back again and was having himself a fit on me because it was a gift for his wife and we ruined the surprise! Well, he NEVER mentioned this at any point before so I apologized, and he said he'd be in to pick it up. (we are very careful about this - we make notes about calling procedures in case of gifts, etc)

So, a couple of weeks later he still hadn't been in so we called him again. We totally went off his rocker and started yelling at us that he didn't want it anymore because we ruined the surprise and she found out how much it was and wouldn't let him buy it anymore. It wasn't much either - only about a hundred dollars or so - so it was hardly a crazy price! so, he never came to pick it up. And I know, I know, we should have gotten a deposit but this hardly ever happens here and he really seemed like a nice man.

Later we figured out that this man used to be the next door neighbour to one of the staff here, and he was a crochety old guy who they just couldn't stand because if they even parked 3 inches in front of his house he'd have a fit and call the cops over everything. So now we wonder if he did it on purpose just to give them one last dig after they moved away.
I once had a woman come in to frame a cheesy little mylar balloon that was given to her by her boyfriend and they just broke up.She couldn't help herself but she was crying the whole time.Talk about a nightmare, but somehow we designed the framing. I was dreading her coming back to pick the piece up.she was very unstable.