just introducing and saying hello

Marion P

CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Mar 18, 2004
Maroochydore, Australia
Hi everyone, I am new to the grumble and just wanted to say hello. Im very new to framing and enjoying it so much! I'm opening up a factory in the next few weeks and hoping to expand my business, I frame mostly for artists and want to get into stretching canvas and shadow boxes. I'm orignially from Seattle, but living near Brisbane, Australia. I am finding the grumble very helpful in so many ways. Thank you so much in advance. While in the States, I did a framing course and went to the Decore' trade show in NY and found all fellow framers to be so friendly and helpful. Have a great day! keep smiling!
Thanks for joining this questionable group of reprobates. Sadly, you are now one of us.

Welcome to the club Marion.

Welcome Marion

Nice to have newcomers aboard. Hope you can help us as well as learn from the ones that have been around the block a few times.
Thanks again for the nice welcome.

Yes Dermot, I know about our grumble, I have been here there a few times and find it useful but I haven't had any input as yet.

You all live in great parts of the world.

Enjoy your day!
Welcome to the Grumble Marion. What a wonderful world. Sitting in my home office chatting on the computer about framing with someone from Australia, with the Milwaukee Brewers game on the satellite receiver and my headset on listening and watching a DVD of Camelot on my portable DVD player. All while sitting adjacent to the farmlands of Iowa in the historic Amana Colonies. I remember as a kid listening to the Joe Lewis fight on the radio thinking that was the apex of electronic technology. God what's next - high definition television and computerized mat cutters - Na, it will never happen.
H Wally,
thanks for the warm welcome, but hate to break it to you, as you sit watching the Milwaukee Brewers game, (I'm a Mariners fan myself haha) but thats besides the point, I'm listening to the noises of my computerized mat cutter with the rain pounding on my neighbors tin roof. (yes we do get rain from time to time in the land down under

But you are right, having this grumble and computers brings the world alot closer together!
Have a great day! and keep smiling