Just how big.....

Jay H

PFG, Picture Framing God
Dec 8, 2003
I can’t find my high school diploma and neither can my wife. We worked 12 long years for this thing and I lost it. Anyway, does anybody know the dimensions of these? I’m building my tassel frame right now and I don’t know how big the opening for the diploma is. I will probably not put an actual diploma in this but I want the proportions close. Thanks!
Well mine is 6x8, but I think every school district uses a different format don't they?

By the way, I found mine along with my marriage certificate in a file labeled "owner's manuals and guarantees..."

I won't ask who the "owner" is.

I am going to do all the local school colors and put a "Great Angles" diploma inside. Its just for display so 6 X 8 sounds great to me. I just want to be close. Thanks.
Most that I have done in recent history have been on standard 8 1/2" x 11" paper, at least from public schools. The private ones may have different sizes.
Good for you, Jay!!

And I would make an additional suggestion, make one sample for each school that you will be approaching. Take it to the school office and tell them what you are doing. They will most likely let you display it in their trophy case or maybe right there in their office for all the students and parents to see. I have had such good luck with this idea that I just had to pass it along to you.

One high school that I did these for even printed out their graduates' names and addresses on mailing labels for me and I sent each of them a nice letter of congratulations and mentioned that they could see a really unique graduation gift in the school office if they were interested.

I had an excellant response from these letters and some of these grads. took their framing with them to college. They came back on Thanksgiving break with stuff from their classmates at college for me to "do the same thing as mine" for them. I gave them the final price, they returned to college, and, when they came back for Christmas break, they brought a check, picked up their friends' framings, and I never even met these new customers!!

Ya just never know who that next customer is going to be!

At the pinnacle of my many academic achievements, stands the successful completion of the ninth grade. Consequently, I can not be of any help.

Framer, this is where I fail greatly. A salesman in a "cold call" atmosphere is not where I excel. So my question; Did you just make one and GIVE it to the school? Did you suggest they display it or did they offer? I would just GIVE them one if I thought the secretary wouldn't just put her son’s diploma and tape the tassel in it.

My wife is a schoolteacher who daily travels to every single one of the high schools in the area. I will give her one and suggest that she take one to the office and engage dialog with them. Plus she is a better sales person than I am!

I can't believe that she already has relationship with EVERY school and the thought never occurred to me to take one actually to the schools. DUHHH!

Checks in the mail framer!
I posted an answer this afternoon but I think that it got lost in the down time for the battery backup.

I went to the school and asked about getting some tassles and graduation announcements and told them what I planned to use them for and they had some on hand that they gave me. When I finished the sample I took it to the school and showed it to them and they asked to display it for me! That was the first school I approached. The others were easy after that first one.

You could easily send them with your wife to show and I'll bet that you will have more business than you imagine. I sold to one school's graduating class 41 shadowboxes out of a graduating class of 115, almost half the class bought them. The parents particularly like them because I could keep the price under a C note and they are unique. And the kids like them because they are cool!

Give it a try and see what happens. I started out with one hhighschool and did a total of 4 schools in my area after the second year of making them. I have posted some photos somewhere on the Grumble if you are interested. If you can't find them with the search function, let me know and I will either post another photo or email a photo to you.
