Good for you, Jay!!
And I would make an additional suggestion, make one sample for each school that you will be approaching. Take it to the school office and tell them what you are doing. They will most likely let you display it in their trophy case or maybe right there in their office for all the students and parents to see. I have had such good luck with this idea that I just had to pass it along to you.
One high school that I did these for even printed out their graduates' names and addresses on mailing labels for me and I sent each of them a nice letter of congratulations and mentioned that they could see a really unique graduation gift in the school office if they were interested.
I had an excellant response from these letters and some of these grads. took their framing with them to college. They came back on Thanksgiving break with stuff from their classmates at college for me to "do the same thing as mine" for them. I gave them the final price, they returned to college, and, when they came back for Christmas break, they brought a check, picked up their friends' framings, and I never even met these new customers!!
Ya just never know who that next customer is going to be!