CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
I have one customer who brings me these nasty old crappy rundown good for nothing falling apart frames he buys at garage sales and then he wants me to put his old pictures in them for him to sell at sales, from ebay to garage sales he has. Naturally I spend more time on the frame trying to hold it together any way I can than on the picture itself. He mainly has me mat the picture and leaves the 80+ year old glass in there, no matter if it's all scratched up, paint on it, or whatever, and then has me glue, nail, or whatever it takes to hold it all together so he can sell it. After that, he tells me he doesn't care what happens to it. My problem is this stuff is so bad I wouldn't want anyone to know I had put it together. I'm afraid it will hurt my business more than help it if people think I do this kind of work on a regular basis. I'm thinking about telling the guy I don't want any more of this kind of junk. He's fairly insistant on me doing it the way he wants it, plus he's too cheap to spring for a new frame. But he pays good money to have me do the junk work. Go figure. I'm not sure the money is worth the trouble. How would some of you handle this situation?