I'm getting enough unsolicited faxes on my stand-alone fax machine (fax spam, if you will) that I am becoming annoyed over the waste of paper and ink.
Nearly all of them are ads for "investment opportunities" or "travel opportunities." Apparently, opportunity no longer knocks - it arrives by fax.
Naturally, none of these faxes have "return fax" numbers on their headers, but they DO come with an itty-bitty notice that will say something like, "To no longer receive these requested* promotions in the future, please contact us at 1-866-270-6027." Yes, that's one of the real numbers. Call 'em up if you want.
*I have to wonder who requested these promotions - Dogzilla?
I am reluctant to call these numbers and verify my actual existence, but does anyone remember the keypad characters that will call back the number for the last call received? I figure I could use that and send them each a fax that says, "Hey, don't send me anymore faxes!"
I could send each of them 10-15 of them.
I don't want to just shut off the fax machine 'cause I do receive the occasional industry-specific fax, at a rate of maybe one-out-of-ten.
That reminds me of the story about the guy going to a hotel desk to inquire about sending a fax. When informed that the first page would be $15 and each additional page would be 75 cents, he told them to just skip the first page.
Nearly all of them are ads for "investment opportunities" or "travel opportunities." Apparently, opportunity no longer knocks - it arrives by fax.
Naturally, none of these faxes have "return fax" numbers on their headers, but they DO come with an itty-bitty notice that will say something like, "To no longer receive these requested* promotions in the future, please contact us at 1-866-270-6027." Yes, that's one of the real numbers. Call 'em up if you want.
*I have to wonder who requested these promotions - Dogzilla?
I am reluctant to call these numbers and verify my actual existence, but does anyone remember the keypad characters that will call back the number for the last call received? I figure I could use that and send them each a fax that says, "Hey, don't send me anymore faxes!"
I could send each of them 10-15 of them.
I don't want to just shut off the fax machine 'cause I do receive the occasional industry-specific fax, at a rate of maybe one-out-of-ten.
That reminds me of the story about the guy going to a hotel desk to inquire about sending a fax. When informed that the first page would be $15 and each additional page would be 75 cents, he told them to just skip the first page.