True Grumbler
Oh the joys of living in the country and having your own well.For the last 10 years or so my well has averaged going out about every 6 months or so. I have refused to hook up to new county water until now though because I could always pull it and fix it myself. Well in Feb I fell off of a ladder while working on it and was 9 weeks on crutches 6 weeks in therapy, could only work 1/2 days for the 9 weeks(i am a one man shop) some 20K dollars lighter in the pocket and what happens my well goes out again Friday morning. It is about 180 feet deep but I only had to pull the first 20 feet to fix it this time that Fri after work. Got up Sat. morning and no water again, this time the pump locked up. Well I guess this is the final straw so I am spending the 5k that it will take to hook up to county water instead of th3 6k for a new well!!!!! OH THE FUN OF HAVING A WELL!!!!!