joining problems: nielson frames


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Nov 19, 1998
whitewater,wi.53190 usa
Not my month for joining. I have one Nielson profile 5 and one Nielson profile 15. Using Nielson hardware to join; the back of the corner pulls apart when I tighten the screws. I have never had a problem like this. Does anyone have a solution. The corners look great when held together.
Have you tried just using a new back plate and tapped corner? Sometimes the back plate is warped and you can either flip it over or try a new one. Good Luck
Sorry Joe just a thought, but are you using the quickcorners? If you are, are you using a straight or a phillips screw driver? You should be using a straight.
Just forget I said this.
Gumby et al,

Do you use those quick corners? I tried them for a short while (10 minutes give or take!) and hate them. I ended up slapping them onto the previous owners metal mistakes and selling them as ready mades. Just couldn't get the corners to line up and stay lined up.
About a year ago, we had this problem. It was a defective run of hardware and the supplier took it back. They mentioned that others were having the same issue.

We switched to AMS hardware and it fixed the problem immediately.

I called my moulding company and they will send all new chops; they thought it was not a perfect 45 angle. The corners looked ok when you held them together, but there was a very small gap on the inside corner and when I screwed the pieces together the gap became wider. We'll see.
I read somewhere on the Grumble a while back that you should put the letters stamped on the back plate against the screw plate, when assembling. I had this problemwith chops I was cutting myself and after checking all the angles on my saw, I figured out that I wasn't paying attention to the letter orientation on the back plate.When I started to aligned the screw plate and the back plate with the stamped letters the problem went away.
I have wondered about those cryptic inscriptions for 27 years.

Some of the backplates I use say "FACE" on one side. Whose face? Mine? The tapped angle? The frame?

Others have an "A" on one side. That's very helpful.

Usually UV glass will have a silkscreened message on one side that says, "This side faces artwork. Score other side." I understand that, even on Friday.

But sometimes it says, "WEST" and I have to find my compass.
I think the face is to the art work. Marc L. did an article on these in PFM and I also on the grumble but I didn't come up with it on the search.
Should I assume that the 'A' is shorthand for the anatomical feature that's opposite from the FACE and should therefore face the opposite direction?

That will be my operating theory until I hear something different.

I had this same problem, last year, and the good folks on the Grumble gave me the following winning advise;

The first two are answered here. Take the little screws out and insert into the oposite side.

Make sure that FACE is towards the art

If this fails try the following.

Again, take out the little screws. take a small piece of glass and lay the plate on top of the glass. move the plate back-n-forth. Try both sides for wobble. If their is a natural wobble on one side take pliers and bend against the bow slightly and retry. Takes a little time but works for me everytime.

Also, clean-up the edges with sandpaper or better yet your Manual 45 sander (yes)

I have used the quick corners for 5+ years always work well an dthey are faster to assemble and only take up half the shelf space. We chop our own metal here corners never a problem.