Joining Oversized Frame


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Apr 24, 2002
Pittsfield, MA - The Berkshires
Okay, here is my dilema. I received a call from a customer today regarding 3 peices. The largest is 6'x 9'. Is a regular join with v-nails strong enough? If he isn't approximating and the longest side is in fact 9' then I don't have enough clearance at my joiner. 'L' brackets and glue? Any suggestions?
For a frame this large I use biscuits with detail biscuit joiner. Use countersunk screws to pull the joint closed. Then fill and touch up the holes. I drive the screws diagonally into the least visible legs, normally top and bottom. Make sure you can get the assembled frame out of your shop. The last one I did, that was slightly larger, I had to join in the customers living room and hang it on a mirror that was glued to the wall.

Good luck
Pat :D :D
How about a little more info

What is the size of the frame molding cross section - width x heigth and rabbit depth ?

What is the type of wood or metal or ? for the molding ?

What is going in the frame - art, glass, backing etc ?

How will it be delivered to the customer ?

Is it to be fitted on site or in the shop ?

As far as v nailing something that size the v nailer could be taken outside for the actual joining process where there is more room. I personnaly would think of 4" x 12 guage nails and or possibly a spline (biscuit) joint or plywood triangle behind corner.
Plywood corners! Great idea. I haven't picked out the frame yet. I actually haven't even seen the piece yet but I was just thinking ahead about the logistics.

Thank You!