Join 2 frames back to back?


True Grumbler
Mar 26, 2017
How do you prefer to join 2 frames back to back? Customer has 2 photos 8 x 10 and wants to be able to show both sides. Digital images so no problem that we can't access photos once frames connected.
You could have a Stained Glass frame made.
Picture Woods makes them, but I am sure their are other options.

I have made double sided frames with 2 frames, by cutting a groove in the back of the moulding that it just wide enough to fit 1/8" plywood.
Preferably cut the groove before cutting the frames to size.
I'll then insert 1/8" plywood into the groove on all sides, and glue it together.

I like the idea of magnets. I'll have to play around with that.
Here's a post of mine from a while back.

I believe I just put a few spots of glue between the two frame backs and clamped until dry.
Maybe also some spots on the supports to glue it to the frames?
I don't recall the details.

The hope is that if for any reason it needs to be opened it can just be "popped" apart.
If I were to do it again, I would probably go for magnets instead.
I've done it this way.......

Use one frame only. Preferably quite a deep one. Tape the glass/mat/art/mat/glass package around the edges
to form a unit. Use turns/spring clips on the back with a suitable padding piece for the turns to bear on.
This way you can take the frame off the wall for a casual look at the back OR remove the package and flip it to
display the reverse. No risk of the whole innards flopping about so customer friendly.
Sometimes it's good to have a wiiiiiiiiiiide rabbet so you can apply a wider strip of tape and not risk it protruding
beyond the sight-edge. A slip does the trick. 👍
Here's a post of mine from a while back.

I believe I just put a few spots of glue between the two frame backs and clamped until dry.
Maybe also some spots on the supports to glue it to the frames?
I don't recall the details.

The hope is that if for any reason it needs to be opened it can just be "popped" apart.
If I were to do it again, I would probably go for magnets instead.
i considered glue since it will be similar, a small frame that sits on a table but rotate which side shown. Thanks