John Ranes II in St. Louis--Oct 25

Barb Pelton

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Apr 14, 2002
The Show Me State
The PPFA St. Louis Chapter is proud to have John Ranes II, CPF, GCF at our October meeting, giving a presentation entitled "Shadowbox Solutions".

This is a "must see" event. Besides the opportunity for a first class educational event,
this will be an excellent opportunity to get your creative gears moving before the Christmas season is upon us.

John Ranes II, CPF, GCF
"Shadowbox Solutions"

October 25
6:00-7:00 dinner
7:00-9:00 program

Held at P.J.'s Tavern (The Jefferson Room)
123 W. Jefferson
Kirkwood, MO

Cost: $20. per PPFA Member
$40. per non-member (this includes a "trial" PPFA membership, good through Sept 2005!)

RSVP by OCTOBER 18 to Ken Link
Once again--to the top!

NOTE: RSVP today!

This is a bargain, folks! Besides the great program, this will probably be our last gathering before the big rush! Take some time off and join us for an evening of fun and education, catch your breath, and prepare to dash into the season with some new tricks up your sleeve.

(I wonder what the longest thread is with only one participant? Maybe this one?)