Jim Miller to Visit San Diego Chapter PPFA, June 13


Jun 17, 2003
Cathedral City & Indian Wells, CA
Three Special Presentations
SUNDAY, June 13, 2004
At the ARTRAGEOUS GALLERY, 5350-A Eastgate Mall, San Diego, CA 92121, 858-452-7280

Jim Miller is one of the nation’s leading experts in picture framing techniques. Now, he brings that expertise to the San Diego Chapter of PPFA for a special day-long session. Jim will discuss the use of Mylar . This course includes instructional, illustrated handouts.  Samples of the mounts are exhibited and discussed.  Students are encouraged toward new and innovative mounting techniques. A hands-on segment follows the lecture. Then a two-hour lecture class about innovative Shadowbox Designs , with step-by-step instructions on how to build them. This will be followed by a Preservation Techniques lecture covering various methods and materials for non-invasive, completely reversible mounts for paper-borne art, documents, photos, and other flat items.
Continental Breakfast 8:30 AM, sponsored by Crescent.
Mylar class at 9AM, including the hands-on session.
Lunch 12-1, again compliments of Crescent.
Shadowbox construction  1-3PM
Preservation Techniques 3-4PM

You are welcome to join us for the entire day including meals, or just the morning or just the afternoon sessions.

Tickets for the entire day of classes and meals are $75.00 for each person for members and $100.00 for non-members.
Morning only or afternoon only sessions are $45.00 per person for members, and $75.00 for non-members. $25.00 of each non-member fees will be applied to PPFA membership.

Class sizes are limited so make your reservations now. A check for the full amount accompanied with the form at the bottom of the page will serve as your confirmed reservation. Please do not call.
Mail to: Dawn Davis, PPFA Treas., 2500 Sweetwater Springs Blvd., #100, Spring Valley, CA 91978
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Yes, I’ll be there for Jim Miller Day, Sunday, June 13, 2004
Please make my reservation(s) for (indicate number of people):
______Full day. $75.00 per  person
______Morning Session on Mylar Techniques only. $45.00 per person
______Afternoon Session on Shadowboxes & Preservation. $45.00 per person



Hope to see some of you there...
I'd like this to come to the top again in the hopes that everyone interested will have read it. It will be a great day and I personally would not miss it. These classes are an example of what a local PPFA chapter can do for it's members.

Nona Powers, CPF