Jim Miller in St. Louis!!

Barb Pelton

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Apr 14, 2002
The Show Me State
Heads up!

Jim Miller will be giving his ever popular "Clear Film Mounting" on July 26th in St. Louis.

The program will be held at P.J.'s in Kirkwood.
123 Jefferson St. Time: 6-9 p.m.

Here's the best part; if you are a PPFA member, the cost for the dinner AND Jim Miller's class is only $20.00!! If you are not a PPFA member, the fee is $40.00 (still a bargain) and you will also receive a one year PPFA membership.

You need to RSVP to:

Ken Link
or link_k@charter.net

If you need more info, you can ask here, or contact Ken.
This will be well worth the drive!

I gotta ask before this post vanishes away from here. What is RSVP mean? It must be something of importance since you imply a need to RSVP. One might already have that genuine need but, just like me, have no idea it's called RSVP and is taken care of with a simple phone call to 618.......

Besides, it may be useful to bring this topic up after being attended by nobody for its very critical first three days since conception, don't you agree with me?

is French for répondez s'il vous plaît (please reply), or as we say in the South;
Respond So Very Promptly ! ;)

We need everyone to RSVP so that the people preparing the food will know how many they'll need to serve. Thanks for bumping it up to the top; I hate it when I'm the only one responding to my own thread!
Jim Miller In St. Louis!

You had me goin' for a minute, Blond Goddess! I flashed back to The Allman Brothers At The Greensboro Coliseum

But what can you expect from a burnet this early in the morning???

Well, at least it got bumped to the top again...
CR, your RSVPing is just fine! I appreciate the help of keeping this floating near the top.

Charles, I can't attend all the big draws that hit St. Louis, so I had to choose between Sting and Annie Lenox on Saturday night, and Jim Miller in St. Louis! on Monday.

Sting will be upset, I'm sure.
Sting's ok, but I LOVE Annie Lennox!

Sweet Dreams are made of these
Who am I to disagree?
Great turnout!!

Jim was informative and entertaining as well, making up for my loss of the Sting concert. If you didn't make it, I suggest you try to catch Jim's class whenever the next opportunity arises.

I mounted some very heavy medals in a shadowbox with Mylar-D today and they look fab.

(I learned some tips that will help me reduce the "shiny" appearance of the Mylar-D; a characteristic that I've sometimes struggled with, but no more!)

Thanks, Jim, for sharing your knowledge and valuable time with others in the industry.
Edie, I didn't mean to leave you in suspense.

"Shiny" is probably the wrong adjective; perhaps a "undesirable reflective quality" would be more accurate. Anyway, I have had a couple of customers complain about the look of Mylar over the years, and I've noticed that sometimes it looks smooth and even, and other times it appears a little looser and more "reflective". I couldn't figure out why sometimes it looked that way...

My problem seems to have been twofold: first I wasn't getting the tape between the 2 sheets of Mylar-D close enough to the artwork (Jim recommends 1/4" and NO MORE), and second there is a slight curvature to the product and the two sheets must be lined up so that the edges of the two sheets curve away from each other once they are stacked together. (I hope that makes sense--it's much easier to show someone.) The tape actually pulls the two sheets together, creating a tighter package and a smoother surface.

I've played a little this week and my technique has certainly improved. Those two seemingly small details made a big difference in the "look".

If I've not been clear enough, Jim can step in here and straighten me out! (sorry for the bad pun)

(Hope your vacation is Superb!)

Barbthetakemewithyoupleaseblonde. ;)