I don't know if any of you deal with JFM Enterprises, but I'm a bit frustrated. They are always out of stock of something on my order and it can take months to restock. I have lost some good orders because they also sell to artists. The clincher came today. I placed an e-mail order last week. I received an email confirmation with an invoice #. I called today to confirm a ship date because a client needed a frame out of the order SOON. They had no record of my order! Seems the online order person is gone and the person who picked up the slack was out sick. Okay, so I re-ordered on the phone. Out of 8 styles, only one was in stock, and not the one I need quickly. Do any of you have a more reliable company I can use? I buy a lot of the flat, simple profiles. Also, this one has been discontinued but I have a customer who will buy a lot if I can find another supplier. http://jfmenterprises.net/cgi-bin/shopper.cgi?preadd=action&key=B051-4229&reference=/cgi-bin/shopper.cgi%3Fsearch%3Daction%26keywords%3D051-4229%26searchstart%3D0%26template%3Dtemp lates/SearchResult.html[/IMG] Thanks!