I hope you have some fun with the project.
Here are some sources you may need:
Unfinished mldg supplier(s) (Vermont Hardwoods, Colorado Picture Woods, Foster Planing Mill, Azuelas, or Xylo)
(Water based) Aniline dye:
Highland Hardware, (800)241-6748 in Atlanta. (ARTI brand. )
Craftwoods, (800)468-7070 in Maryland.
Liberon / Star Finishing (707)877-3570 liberon.com
You will also need Flake Shellac:
Since I was doing this one as a quick demo, I did not sand the maple. The lines you see are from the knives. Some 380 will do just fine.
Remember no steel wool if you are using a water based dye. But OK once you start to laq it.
If you are odering chop (even of pre-finished mldg), and even if you are putting glass and a photo or needlework in the window, face up like a regualr frame, remember: The base can only be cut once you have the lid made.
The OOD of the lid is the OOD of the base. Meaning you cut the base with the metal stop, and not the wood stop.
good luck.
Let me know how it progresses