Jersey Pro

Doug Gemmell

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 17, 2002
Everett, WA
Does anyone have any coments, pro or con about LJ's "Jersey Pro"? We've sold a few and haven't had any negative feedback from those who have bought them.

They look ok and seem to be a good alternative for people who don't want to spend much. I do wish they would sell a conservation glass model but maybe it's like Ford said when he started producing cars. Paraphrasing: "You can get them in any color as long as it's black".
We haven't used them but I've been curious. Do you stock them and sell them to your customers as a do-it-yourself? Looking at their pricing it seems like I could make my own black shadowbox for a custom order for a better price at the exact size I need it. They've got to be retailing around $300, yes?
We usually try to have one in stock and order another when it sells. We sell them for a bit less than $300.

All but one was sold as is for DIY projects. That one was purchased as a shadowbox which we mounted some things in.

People seem to like the monster hanger they come with. We've sold more in the mahogany color than black.

Yes, we could probably buy the materials and build them for about what we pay for them but I'm kind of lazy.
I do wish they would sell a conservation glass model
Doug ... Jersey Pros come with TruVue Conservation Clear, so I don't follow what you are wishing for.

My general thoughts are as follows:

They are OK for DIYers, and are marginally OK as a way of satisfying a last minute rush order, but I really don't like them. When I send out a jersey I want it to look beautiful, and I want to be known for turning out quality products. That's just not what you get with a Jersey Pro, therefore it somewhat undermines the image I want to present.
Appreciate your comments Andrew. I didn't look closely at the glass and just assumed it was regular. Cool!

I agree that they cannot replace custom framing for a "beautiful" look but most of the people that buy them don't want beautiful for their hockey jerseys, nor do they want to pay for beautiful...much as we think they should.
I sold one when it was first introduced to me and it is really for the DIY. Even if you hang the Jersey for them they will have to open and redo when they get home as it will move and shift on the hanger during transport unless you tach it down which is really not how it is designed for use.

I also wish they would private label it (Not call it Jersey Pro on info sheet) Had a customer go home and Google Jersey Pro and she could buy direct from them (Not LJ) for less than I could sell it for including shipping, plus they could change out the background color.
I saw the handout our Larson rep gave us on Jersey Pro when they introduced it. We decided against carrying it, partially due to the fact that there is no way to replace broken glass, should the need arise. The frame would have to be broken apart just to change the glass, or purchase a new frame. Has anyone else found that to be true?
Great point Sharonm. Glass replacement on these things is the best case against using them that I've heard.
I've had experience with ones just like Jersey Pro, except without the hanger, nearly identical, in fact. And yes, customer needed to replace the broken glass and yes, it's next to impossible. You have to destroy the box to get to the glass. The entire frame has to be replaced. I won't attempt it again.
Doug,et al

Ive SLD 3 since intrdouction---all because of $$ limit---the 1st one had the mats in the corners sooscarredittook me @1/2hr to make them acceptable, it also had 2-3 places on the back matwhere the assembler put the fliexpoints in THEN thied to fit the backer w/o pushing the points out of the way...had to replace the backer thew second was also scarred in the corner ares plus lots of glue which had seeped out of the joins..this one was also scarred on the back board from the hanger enclosure the 3rd one has a 4' crease in the back board and a compo bubble in the edge of the bubble(of course this is exactlu in the 'eyeball' area on looking....none of this stuff should ever have gotten outof chicago! did I/we memtion thatis where they are made??? I'm now into my 2nd if not my 3rd week of waiting for a replacement for the last one ......I wont sell em, my wife on the other hand will NOT listen to me(thats a surprise???) and continues to talk em up.....good idea ...really poor execution(& stuff that would be eliminated with some quality control!!!!!)
Bill, we got four in to do three jerseys for a new bar.... same experience. AND we were expecting to be able to swap the glass out for Museum Acrylic or just OP3..... no glass in frames in public places.

We're having to rethink and sharpen the pencil. Thank goodness for Attach-Eze . . . he has 22 more to do.
When I first saw the Jersey Pro, I thouight it looked liek a great alternative to all the work that goes into a shadowbox, especially in regards to building up the sides of the frame. When I looked closer at the information provided (and also making a couple calls to LJ), I was disappointed to find that the versatility of the frame was very limited. It is only meant to hang vertically, and frankly, can't remember the last time I did a jersey in the vertical direction. There's no way to change it to a horizontal direction at all, not without making a mess of the sides. And a couple of you brought up a point I hadn't considered: how DO you change the glass if it breaks? Disappointing all around.

I would actually be thrilled if LJ opted to sell the moulding in length, because it seems to be a much higher quality wood than used for the 510 series of shadowbox mouldings from LJ that I have been using. Unfortuantely, I have been told that THAT is unlikely to happen.
Originally posted by j Paul:

I also wish they would private label it (Not call it Jersey Pro on info sheet) Had a customer go home and Google Jersey Pro and she could buy direct from them (Not LJ) for less than I could sell it for including shipping, plus they could change out the background color.
My understanding is that LJ does not make these folks, that they only distribute them. Now that does not make any of the problems go away but not likely to just distribute the moulding.
I bought one for display. Sold it for a two hour must-have rush job. I won't be getting another for two simple reasons:

1) I can make shadowboxes that have a "wow factor" you just don't get from the convenient & easy to use Jersey Pro.

2) I can make 32x40 shadowboxes made from 2 1/2 " deep moulding in black or mahoghany cheaper than I can buy the Jersey Pro wholesale.

I use wooden hangers purchased from a department store. Sure, it takes a little time to make your own. I am a custom framer. If you want cheap photo frames & display cases, there is always Wal-Mart & Michael's. My definition of "cutting corners" is waay different.
Bottom line, and for all the reasons given above, I'm just glad I finally got rid of the one that I bought! I used it for a silent auction item where the client needed it "right now", and was only really interested in protecting the jersey.