jersey display case

thought LJ's was only back loading???
I think those cases are horrible

And, apparently, so do our customers

Imagine for that same $160 cost (plus shipping in many cases), can't you build a much nicer product?

We finally marked the last one down to $99 to get rid of it. It seemed to attract a certain, shall we say, "bottom feeder" that purchased on price alone

Frame two jerseys side by side; one in a "hang it til it droops" case and one done in a normal application (*and compare the costs and margins)

It's a "no brainer"

If you think you need to have the for the quickie sale, do one in the spare time that most framers have
Also, try to replace the glass in one of those LJ cases!

The LJ rep told me; ... "Just make the customer buy a new case." yeah, right. :rolleyes:
I HATE those Jersey Pros ... UGLY, UGLY, UGLY!

Now ask me what I REALLY think!

I was able to dump mine when someone had to have a jersey completed while she waited. That's the ONLY redeeming feature. But how often does one of these come along!


If this symbolizes a normal jersey ...


Then this would be an LJ Jersey Pro ...

Jennifer ... When I first heard about them it sounded like a good idea to me too ... glad you didn't get one!
I've seen the LJ case too, and they look just like the "instant shadow box" (sold for $99!) at one of the BB's, but with the hanger. My predecessor had done 6 just before I took over. Jersies just hung and swayed in there. Ack!! Customer wasn't all that impressed when he picked them up, for what HE paid for them. Said "Oh....they look just like hangers-in-a-box...I coulda done that!" He needed them done "in a hurry" and then took 3 months to pick them up!

If it's too good to be true, it probably is. Nothing like the real thing, treated with care by skillfull framers' hands.
I bought three and sold them rather quickly. Then someone on the Grumble pointed out in a post a couple of months ago that if the glass broke it would be impossible to replace. Hadn't thought of that so I quit buying them for the store but have had to order two more: one one for someone who bought one and wanted another and someone else who saw one somewhere and just had to have his own.

Just shows that one man's trash is another's treasure.
We got one in.. the looked at it and his face was saying "we'll call you, don't call us".

Funny, he had been talking up about 30 jerseys... wasn't sad to see THAT job go away.... that thing was hidious.

Funny Val, we got to refering to it as the "hanger in a coffin". :D
"Front Access Jersey Case"

Why "front access" if it's sewn down? - wouldn't access indicate a need to be able to remove the jersey - probably requiring hanging it.

What frame do you prefer for thick folded jersys like hockey and football - sewn down not hung?

We've been using Neilsen 100 series but I really don't like them - the corners are wimpy and after carrying them and hanging them you have to tweek the corners. As the customer takes it home and hangs it I have to warn them the corners will not be good and they'll have to twist them a bit. I feel like I'm telling them my product isn't very good.

I'd sure like a simple wood frame with an inner frame to hold the glass and mats in place with the mount board holding it all together using everyday framers points. We've made frames like this but it's time consuming and our customers pay us to be framers not custom woodworkers.

What frame do you use for jerseys?

Do you use mats?

The "coffin" makes me laugh - years ago I framed a violin and a customer came in and said "Look, a dead violin in a little coffin!" Ever since then I have always used mats on boxes to make it look more like something framed rather than just a box with something in it. We often make a torsion box using foamcore and hotmelt glue to separate the mats from the mount board. These have been as deep as 10 inches and usually lined with suede mats. Works well and very light.
anyone seen/tried out the new boxes from in-line??? they are arent JUST squares---they are the shapes of the stuff insides...they look really super, hope the execution is as good!!!!"seamless shaped jersey boxes"