Really weird deal.....I was on the G yesterday and had just started looking. I went into a forum and couldn't get back in. Then the main forum page was like it was stuck on January 24. It had me listed as the last one to post on a topic in Warped and it was dated January 24. I was a bit concerned because I hadn't been on the G for a couple days and I couldn't imagine how I posted since
I hadn't. Then, every forum I went into the last posting date was the 24th.

Since yesterday was the 30th, I knew something was up. I then started questioning the time continuum and where I fit in. I also questioned how I could be 6 days ahead of everybody else. Just when I was questioning my sanity, the whole thing went kaflooey and then I thought
I broke the Grumble.

Then I was
really worried because I knew if Ron found out
I broke the Grumble he would hunt me down like a dog, so you can imagine I had a very worrisome day yesterday.
Then, Ron emailed and said it was a maintenance thing and to not be alarmed. Then I thought that had to be a trick, so I didn't fall for it. I spent a good part of the night last night writing personal apologies to each and every Grumbler, and then I soon lost interest due to a Queer Eye rerun.
So, now I see all is well. Thank goodness.
[ 01-31-2004, 05:06 PM: Message edited by: Emibub ]