It's Here!!!!


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 12, 2003
North Carolina - Picture Framing Capital of the Wo
FINALLY - months in the waiting, customers asking "when?", (The Christmas rush is over, but oh well :( ) at 4:30 this afternoon > > > >

our Wizard arrived!!! :D

I feel like a proud papa...

Had to share. Alone in the shop today, rain/sleet/snow keeping people away, lots of puttering. Thanks for listening.
Congratulations on your new arrival ! Hope your learning curve on the machine isn't too steep, and that it will lead to extra creativity, fun, and profits for you. BTW, your website is very nice- simple but classy.

:cool: Rick
Congratulations. If all goes well with our marketing plan, I hope to have one by years end. Have fun & learn well, so I can pick your brains when I get mine, lol.
You'll LOVE it! If you have any questions about the setup after or before their hours, feel free to email me. We built our own stand before it arrived, and luckily it fit fine. It does require a bit of assembly, but the instructions are very good.

Ours arrived around December 3rd and we have used it for every order since the day after. We burned through more than 6000 corners the first month, although most of them were just me "playing" and cutting some showpieces for the gallery.

If your POS is Wizard compat, you can ask it to generate the cutting instruction files as part of the daily closing. ex: 12345.wz2 (ticket #) You can then network the two machines so the Wizard can load them when it's time to cut the mat.

[ 01-09-2004, 07:22 PM: Message edited by: Mike-L@GTP ]
Thank you all. So far, Mike, the set up has been a piece of cake. I had to go to Home Depot for a new air hose and fittings (duh) so I'll finish tomorrow. Should have it up and ready by opening.

Rick - thanks for the kind words about the site. I (unfortunately) can't take any credit - it was set up before we bought the gallery. If I can just get some non-Flash info on it I'll be all set.
