Inactive Account
I hate it when a customer uses a phrase like "I don't like that color mat... it takes away from the print" or "I don't like that frame because it takes away from the print". How about the customer that says "it distracts from the print"?
Yesterday afternoon, a customer came in to get an 18 x 24 wedding photo with beautiful outdoor scenary framed (far back in the backgroud you could see part of an old plantation home). They did not want a mat which they said it "takes away from the photo". I agreed it would not have to be WITH a mat... When it came to a frame, the best frame was a 2 1/2" frame with a "pewter" finish (slightly silver/greenish color) and only slightly ornate in design. She hated it... she said the frame stands out more than the photo. I tried to explain to her how it "enhanced" the photo but she didn't agree. After she tried over 100 frames she finally picked one she thought would not "distract" from the photo. I couldn't belive what she picked!... a narrow BLACK, yes, BLACK metal frame! I did it while she waited (no glass, no mats). When i was finished i handed it to her. She paid for it and then hung it on the wall so she could see how it looked from a distance... she loved it. She then was looking through a catalog of prints i had on display and another customer walks in to pick up their order. They see the lady's 18 x 24 wedding photo and say "I know YOU didn't pick out THAT frame!... it looks like it belongs at a funeral!" Well, the lady heard what the other lady said, jerked the photo off the wall and marched out really teed off. What a day...
What is the phrase customers use that you hate?
Yesterday afternoon, a customer came in to get an 18 x 24 wedding photo with beautiful outdoor scenary framed (far back in the backgroud you could see part of an old plantation home). They did not want a mat which they said it "takes away from the photo". I agreed it would not have to be WITH a mat... When it came to a frame, the best frame was a 2 1/2" frame with a "pewter" finish (slightly silver/greenish color) and only slightly ornate in design. She hated it... she said the frame stands out more than the photo. I tried to explain to her how it "enhanced" the photo but she didn't agree. After she tried over 100 frames she finally picked one she thought would not "distract" from the photo. I couldn't belive what she picked!... a narrow BLACK, yes, BLACK metal frame! I did it while she waited (no glass, no mats). When i was finished i handed it to her. She paid for it and then hung it on the wall so she could see how it looked from a distance... she loved it. She then was looking through a catalog of prints i had on display and another customer walks in to pick up their order. They see the lady's 18 x 24 wedding photo and say "I know YOU didn't pick out THAT frame!... it looks like it belongs at a funeral!" Well, the lady heard what the other lady said, jerked the photo off the wall and marched out really teed off. What a day...
What is the phrase customers use that you hate?