IT’S A PARTY ! ! !
An evening of good eats and good times !
The Sunshine Chapter of the PPFA is hosting a
holiday party on Saturday, January 14, 2006. It will be held at The Carriage House at 2635
34th Ave, Vero Beach, telephone 772-299-1780.
Dinner is $25.00 per person and your choices for dinner are beef, chicken or fish (salmon).
Plus we will have a cash bar.
Members and Non Members are all invited. Please RSVP to Frank Wouters, Sr. at 772-569- 2199 or 772-567-7692, by January 11th. We will have lots of vendor door prizes and a 50/50 drawing. And for those of you wanting to spend the night, we've listed a few hotels below along with directions to The Carriage House.
Directions: Take Rt 60(20th St) east from 1-95 to 34th Ave (turning left approx 8 miles), going north on 34th Ave w/1 stop sign, cross small bridge and 1st building on the left. Directions are good for all coming east on Rt 60(20th St) and those coming north or south on I-95 to Rt 60.
Howard Johnson 1725 US Hwy 1 772-567-5171
Best Western 8797 20th St(Rt60) 772-567-8321
Holiday Inn Express 9350 19th Lane 772-567-2500
EVERYONE is invited to join us and have F U N !! Bring a friend or two, or bring some framers---they're probable nice folks who could use the night out ! ! !