Is MAX the next La Marche?

Rob Markoff

PFG, Picture Framing God
Mar 8, 1999
San Diego, CA USA
For the past several attemts, it seems that MAX is unable to fill my orders.

This week, out of 7 mouldings, they only had 2 in stock. We have also have been caught with "oh that's been discontinued" yet we have received no notice of any discontinuations.

Anyone else having similar problems?
I have as well....something about them moving etc...they have botched several of my orders in a row now. i used to depend on them, but lately it is hit or miss. some of these moulding companies need to get with it.
I had a rep in about 10 days ago. He stated that they were in the process of re-sourcing their line from Asia rather than Europe. :eek: At least that is what he said
He stated that they were in the process of re-sourcing their line from Asia rather than Europe.
I have already seen evidence of this, and the replacements have far inferior detail and finish. This runs directly counter to Jay Goltz's commentary in the current PFM about the magic and beauty of quality vs. the inferior knockoff. It's sad when the "quality" supplier provides the knockoff too.
"It's sad when the "quality" supplier provides the knockoff too."

Check out Larson's #405. The "new" finish is nothing like the sample I just trashed! The new sample matches the new finish, but I hope you don't want that nice aged "greenish" look it used to have!
I guess I'm lucky.
I worked for what seemed like the entire afternoon last week to find the right frame for a customer. Yep, it was a Max and it was discontinued.
That was a surprise since I've only had the sample for about 6 months.
Fortunately for me it was still in stock.

I have noticed a change in quality in several of Larson's mouldings recently.
And the trouble with the companies that are providing their own knockoffs is that the price is not reflective of the decline in quality.
I've noticed similar problems over the past several months. I don't know if you've seen a rep recently, I haven't for around nine months. They used to pass through every 3 - 4 months. I'm assuming they are more selective and just visiting the larger businesses?
I ordered several new mouldings at the trade show in Jan. I received them in Feb. and have not yet gotten any corner samples for them although I've tried several times (including a long discussion with the order desk yesterday).
I did become aware of a large number of discontinued mouldings at the trade show and additional ones through the POS update recently. They dropped a number of mouldings that I liked and sold (but obviously not enough of). I have talked with them of my concerns with the drop in service. Hope it improves since they're a good company.