Is it really that slow??

Just takin' a breather, Tony. We're modulating between cruising speed and madass rush. The next wave arrives in the morning. I'll come up for air in June.
This is my half day at work, kids still at school!! mom has free access to computer!


And you're here because......................?

To answer your question, no.
Kinda reminds me of myself when I'm out in heavy traffic and wonder out loud, "Where the **** are all these people going?"
It seems the other 2,445 members must have had something better to do.

I'm just sitting here willing the frames to build themselves.
To be honest, Since I found the Grumble, I have had to limit my time on the computer. I would be here all the time.
Sometimes I even break my own rules.

business has finally picked up and I am actually behind on some orders. There I go again, Breaking my own rules. Here I am knowing I should be working.

