Is it okay to do this?

Sherry Lee

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 25, 2002
Phoenix, Az.
Just rec'd. a GREEN BAY PACKERS panoramic - customer wants it double matted which takes it into overtime....ooops, oversize (42 x 16 1/2). You got it, green on top, saffron gold for the bottom mat. I've managed to find a 40 x 60 green mat for the top, but the PERFECT gold is only 32x40.

Can I put a gold 40 x 16 1/4 on the bottom to cut the double mat....then add a 1" x 16 1/4" strip on either side of the bottom mat for support? Would this cause some kind of flaw or problem later on? Like, make the top mat wavy where it's connected or something? I just can't find another gold that the customer likes.

No problem, Sherry. In fact, I'd probably do that for the bottom mat even if I COULD buy it oversize.

The only time some framers get into trouble with this is when they don't bother to build up around the undersize bottom mat and the rest of the frame contents tend to buckle.

Vince Lombardi himself would probably approve of what you're suggesting, though.
I agree entirely with Ron. Why buy a 60 by 40 when a 32 by 40 will do the job admirably?

Always fit the packing pieces and you should never have a problem.
One other thing, Sherry: After seeing a few of these packages separate, I've gotten into the habit of using a little glue along with the ATG to attach those little strips of matboard.

I use a PVA glue, but I think Elmer's would probably work just fine for this.
Ron's use of glue is a good idea for all window
mats with multiple parts. It is cheaper, more
permanent, and the PVA is already used to laminate most board on the market.

Thank you everyone for your reply - I know you are all swamped! I always feel so much better KNOWING that something new I'm about to do is okay, rather than THINKING it is okay.

And I just had a suspicion that some kind soul from Wisconsin would reply to aid in the framing of the Green Bay Packers! :D

Thank you all....from all over the world as well! Having a "groupie" like this makes even bad framing days worth it!!

Merry Christmas!
Just a belated piece of advise on this project .I totally agree with all that has preceeded me but some time back i git atip from a feelow cajun(Bill Parie) he said when ever you are doing something like this "Paint it RED". What he meant was dont try to hide it (since you probably won't succeed) and it will look like and error. Icorporate it into a design so it is very noticeable and the client will say "Boy wasn't that clever" I have done just that by adding extenisons that apppeared to be V-grroves (On the top and then used them to make a musicl score with some cut out notes ) for a Oversize Jazz poster with Remarque.I have dove matching designs in the mat for a Raffia cloth that was 7 feet tall.Just use your imageination.
Buddy, there shouldn't be any visible seams. If I understand Sherry, she's going to use an oversize board for the top mat and a 32x40 for the bottom, which will be bigger than the window but not as big as the frame.

I agree with your idea about oversize top mats. Not long ago I cut a mat with 18 windows and a frame size of 50 x 76 or something like that. Each window had a v-groove that was incorporated into the design, so I really had 18 mats pieced together.
Ron is correct, I'm adding width to the undermat. The advice about top mats is welcomed....goodness knows, I might need that helpful bit of information by tomorrow!
labour cost wise I find it more practical to use two of the oversize mats so you get full support underneath and paint the inner mat the appropriate shade the client desires or make it a fabric wrap in that colour