Is it just me, or...


PFG, Picture Framing God
In Memorium
Rest In Peace

Gone but not forgotten
Apr 9, 2001
Clayton, NC the G e-x-t-r-e-m-e-l-y slow loading this afternoon?

All my other 'favorites' load at the normal speed, but the G is v-e-r-y slow today. AND, there's not that much traffic on it. Even as I type this, the yellow bar is only about half way across the address window.

Could it have anything to do with the defective reversing valve in my heat pump? Even the 'preview post' is s-l-o-w. I think it's either Ron or Kit's fault. (I hope you know something about repairing reversing valves, Ron!!!)
S-L-O-W...... as molasses today. I thought it was just me. (Danged ole dial-up doncha know!)

Hey, maybe it's just in the South! It's a conspiracy I tell ya! They're trying to keep our words of wisdom off the grumble. Well we'll see about that!

I didn't notice it here.

The Grumble is running on a business cablemodem feed, and it's bandwidth is shared with other business and residential customers which share the same local "node". It's possible that a neighbor was downloading something heavy from the net, or that the ISP was just having a temporary problem.

Most of the time it's fine.

It was excruciatingly slow this afternoon, which I took as a sign that I should be doing something else. So I did.

Right now, it seems perfectly normal (in terms of speed, anyway.)

I actually have a lot more problems with, say, Hotmail, which is the only service I use as often as The Grumble.
I checked back in last night and it seemed to be down completely. Working fine this morning. Most likely some kind of cable outtage.

it was really slow downunder this afternoon, while the Northern Hemisphere was sleeping......
But it seems to be working now.....while the Southern Hemisphere is going to sleep

Glad I wasn't the only one who thought it was slow
Its baaack :(

The problem is happening again today. The feed keeps dropping and timing out.

I'm on the same ISP and in the same state, so it must be a local thing in Framer's area. (Southern RI)

It's back to normal again.
About 6 a.m. central time, The Grumble was really dragging its butt here.

I decided to shower instead. So far, most people seem to think that was a good choice.
I'm monitoring this, if it continues I will look elsewhere for hosting. The local cable company is in crisis. I'm told it's being worked on.

Its completely normal this morning.

It seems to be happening early mornings, so maybe it's something they're doing/fixing overnight?

All-in-all, I think the ISP has been pretty darned reliable since you moved the site over. I'm impressed - I didn't think it would be fast enough.

I run a small webhosting company if you ever need temporary space during a crisis.

The last few days the whole net was slow, I wonder if it's from the billions of downloads of "This is Our Land".
