Up late--for me--but would like to ask a question. A group here is involved in an adult foodfight, and one of the members has written an e-mail to others using only his/her screen name. Isn't it possible to trace that? This is a particularly inflammatory missive and seems to me the individual is skating around on some very thin surfaces. Marc of Seeming Lateness used to say he could track anyone: is that correct?
If it's easy, is it ethical to "out" this indiscreet rock-lobber? (Nah...don't answer that part.) Don't people ever learn to cool off and re-read twice before hitting the public Send button?
If it's easy, is it ethical to "out" this indiscreet rock-lobber? (Nah...don't answer that part.) Don't people ever learn to cool off and re-read twice before hitting the public Send button?