Is A ScreenName Really Anonymous?


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Founding Member
Jul 30, 1997
Leawood, Kansas USA
Up late--for me--but would like to ask a question. A group here is involved in an adult foodfight, and one of the members has written an e-mail to others using only his/her screen name. Isn't it possible to trace that? This is a particularly inflammatory missive and seems to me the individual is skating around on some very thin surfaces. Marc of Seeming Lateness used to say he could track anyone: is that correct?

If it's easy, is it ethical to "out" this indiscreet rock-lobber? (Nah...don't answer that part.) Don't people ever learn to cool off and re-read twice before hitting the public Send button?

First of all, this individual can't be much of an adult to flame others with emails over stuff that is posted here on the Grumble.

Second, did you check this individual's profile?? Their email address may be on their profile. Stupidos like this have a tendency to put their specifics right out there for everyone to read. Sorta like the bank robber who writes the "stickum up" note on one of his bank deposit slips and then leaves the note lying at the teller's window when he leaves.

We can trace most anyone back to the origin if need be but I wouldn't let it get to me if I were you. Children like this tend to get bored easily and go play somewhere else when nobody pays any attention to them.

If you look at the (hidden) headers of the message, it will tell you information about the person who sent it. (the internet address/ip of the machine that sent it, the machine name, etc) Often you can tell the city and state from that information. If not, you can often compare it against other emails to determine who it was.

If you are using Outlook Express, you can right click on the e-mail and properties and get all sorts of info, I assume others work somewhat the same.
I apologize greatly to all of you: it's not HERE on the G, it's HERE, meaning my home area. Actually, noone on the Grumble has ever been quite as childish and mean as what's been flying around here , as in KC. I'm so sorry for the misleading info. Anyway, can I still find out? I'll try the header stuff because now I'm really curious.
Nothing in e-mail, forums, or anything-else-connected-to-the-WWW is ever anonymous. But I wouldn't 'out' them unless it's a matter of legality (e.g. promoting child porn), or of identity deceit (e.g. they're using someone else's name to say those things).
Actually, someone who uses a public-access computer and a free online mail service can be completely anonymous. The only way of tracking down would be to find out who was sitting at the computer when the message was sent. Unless it became criminal, the resources to try and track such an individual (logging instances of messages sent to try and determine a pattern of when and from where the messages were being sent, and then setting up surveillance on the suspected sites until another message was sent from one of those sites) would likely not be practical.
Well, let's agree to disagree. Every public library has a core network computer that allows library staff to monitor what people are viewing, so that they can ask people to leave if they're visiting 'inappropriate' websites, etc. I'm sure most internet cafes, etc, have a similar set-up.
Yeah but you could always get a wireless NIC and piggy-back (netstumbler) on unsuspecting corporate WiFi networks.. ;) Not that I've done that of course... (cough)
Even so, that's a bit of effort to go to, at least for the average www user, just to send in some flame.
WIZARD @ WIZARD: Yeah but you could always get a wireless NIC and piggy-back (netstumbler) on unsuspecting corporate WiFi networks.. Not that I've done that of course... (cough)
A true geek, like myself!


PS: The Wizard 5.0 demo came in yesterday. Love it - Can't wait to order my own, just not sure where to fit it in the back room.

[ 07-11-2003, 07:42 AM: Message edited by: Mike-L@GTP ]

What in the "HitchHikers" are you guys talking about???

Maybe you meant what in the "h e double hockey sticks", huh??

Hey, I have no idea what they are talking about either. I understand about as much about a NIC riding piggyback on a WIFI as I do about Omar talking about all his "expeditions" with Terminator in all those gosh forsaken places.

We lead such sheltered lives. I can connect with Ron's dogpark posts and the plight of some poor little opposum but WIFI and NIC sound like a couple of cartoon characters to me!


You mean you never watched The Adventures of WIFI and NIC on Saturday morning cartoons?

Merps Mom, I don't know what they're talking about, either, and I don't feel at all stupid. I figure if you're going to live in this country, you should speak English.

It WAS kinda cute the way Mike got so excited about meeting someone from the home planet, though.
They don't let me out often....

NIC - "Network Interface Card" (ethernet/network card on computer, where your cablemodem plugs in)

WI-FI - "Wireless Fidelity" Wireless network, very popular. Many fast food chains, hotels, airports, and coffee houses are offering this service for computer or PDA lugging patrons. It let's you connect to the network or internet without physically plugging (or dialing) in.

The wifi networks are somewhat insecure and hackable. People have been known to pick up the signals and gain access to corporate or home networks, because the signal is transmitted from inside the firewall. This also gives anonymous internet access.

A lot of homes and companies use it instead of running the wires the "old fashioned way", but this leaves them open to abuse from anyone within about 300 feet.

Personally, I don't use wi-fi. I tried it about a year ago and found the range and speed to be lacking. Like anything new, it'll improve with time...

[ 07-11-2003, 09:34 PM: Message edited by: Mike-L@GTP ]
Seems easier to just mail a letter the old fashioned way. Or drive over and slap the crap outta somebody!
Ok, Cathie, Omar and I are ON it! Where do they live? 'S all we need to know. Oh, and how long would you like them to be in the hospital?
Why is Mike L @GTP's post wider than the other posts... or is it my computer? Just'a wonderin'since this is the computer info area!

<STRIKE>It's because I have a big mouth.</STRIKE>

I think it's because the link is fairly large and might be wider than your screen settings.
