Invitation and Links

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One of the guy’s on the UK/Irish (Grumble) “The Picture Framer's Forum” suggested that it might be a good idea to have the “invite a friend” function on the bulletin board….I think it’s a good idea…

I was also wondering if there could be some sort of link on the on the US Grumble, the Australian Grumble and the UK/Irish (Grumble) that we could switch between each site….again I think this would be a neat idea given the similarities of interest on each site…

I think that's an excellent idea, Dermot, with respect to the English-speaking world, but how many of us here understand - much less speak - British or Australian.

Then there's that nagging problem of unit conversions, like the fact that a metric dozen is actually 10.

Despite the obvious obstacles, I think it's an idea worth pursuing.

Have you not noticed that the US is adapting the Metric system….look at the unit of your currency….”not the colour”….I think you guys are slowly catching up on us ……..

Oh not to worry if worst comes to worst…we can issue a conversion chart…..

Oh another one what measurement is “Ply”!!!…..that one has me stumped on the CPF study guide…
Hmmm.. back in the "old" days (pre-mainstream-internet, commonly referred to as BC - Before dot Coms), I ran a BBS that subscribed to a few long distance forums. My computer would dial out in the wee hours and pick up any waiting messages and then import them into my system.

Obviously though, the WWW killed the BBS. The service I provided to my users - access to a national message forum without having to dial LD - was quickly obsolete when someone could just as easily point a browser to anywhere in the world.

I guess my point is that it really isn't worth it. Technical issues aside (and there are several), Ron has a valid point - framers will gravitate towards one forum or another based on which community they feel they more closely relate to.. Dermot, I think you're an exception (of the good kind) to the rule.

That said, I think another idea would be for Mike to update his Grumble pages to include a list of framing forums.
While I'm thinking about it, I have another idea that I'll pass along.

One of my favorite geek sites Slashdot has a really cool idea where they decide to group interview someone.

First the moderators pick a person to interview. In our case it would probably be an "industry leader". Then everyone posts questions they would like to ask the person in the forum, and the moderators pick the top 10 questions and deliver them to the interviewee (usually by email).

Finally, the interviewee sends the answers back to the moderators who post them up for everyone to read.

Whaddaya guys think?
Ron has a valid point
Gosh, thanks Steve, but I wasn't really trying to make a point. I was just having a little fun with my friend Dermot, who has always been the international goodwill ambassador for The Grumble.

If anyone wants to post a link here - like Dermot did - for framing-related internet forums it would be a simple matter for a friendly moderator to make this thread stay at the top of the heap for easy reference. (I don't remember what that's called, but I know how to do it.) If framer wants to make it more formal (and prettier,) he could do that.

I think we could work around the language differences. Perhaps we'd need a few translators, like Rebecca, who frequently interprets for the Canadians.

There are some truly nasty framing forums out there where people abuse each other regularly with sarcasm and profanity, but I don't think the two that Dermot mentioned are among them.
For some reason when I first read Dermot's post I thought he was talking about importing posts from the other forums directly into the Grumble. Never mind.

Dermot is working under the worst of circumstances over there!

1. The currency of Northern Ireland is composed of no less than 5 different 10 pound notes. British Sterling notes, Sterling Bank of Ireland, Ulster Bank, Northern Bank and Scottish Bank notes and a few from the Bank of the Isle of Man!!


2. Southern Ireland uses 10 Punt notes but they are identified as "Pound" notes and are distributed through the Central Bank of Ireland!


And Ashford appears to be right in the middle of the country so I can imagine the confusion of simply buying a pint at the local pub after work!!! :eek:

Now he has to interpret inches to mm's, mm's to plys, plys to steel belts, (wait, that is another story!), anyway, he is so confused that he doesn't know whether to fly over here in Sept. for the CPF exam or simply forget it all and go fishing!!

He is so confused that, just the other day, he wanted to order 10' of moulding and got ME instead!! (Or should that be 3 meters??)

So cut the guy some slack, eh?? He is a man carrying a heavy load!

No worries (that Australian talk) guys…I’m enjoying this :D ……

Framerguy….in the South of Ireland we now use Euro( €) and Cent…..not Euros my understanding is that there is no plural for Euro….and we say Cent……not Cent’s as in the US….the Punt is history in the South :eek: ….though I would suspect that there are a few pillows still stuffed with them

Here in the South the distance between towns is in Kilometres….but we have to travel in Mile’s per hour….though I gather that that is all going to change in September :rolleyes: …..I will be in Atlanta God willing
……..things are a changing….and isn’t the world getting so much smaller :cool:

I'm still confused by the New Zeland 'dozen', I believe it was, which turned out to be 14 or something other than 12.

Perhaps Ron will remember the NZ dozen affair. After all: Inquiring minds want to know.
Thanks for the time warp Steve, I really needed to feel older!
It's a great idea Dermot, although I sometimes wonder if there is a need for multiple sites they do seem to have a life of their own and we can speak English instead of American.
We recently framed a collection of Punt currency, didn't think of using a pillow as the background though... If I remember rightly there were a dozen openings, which, believe it or not, is 12.
If anyone has factual information about the whole 10 in a dozen thing I would love to know because the whole origin of the idea is very hard to trace or prove.

BTW: "Inkwiring"