Internet Explorer 6.0


WOW Framer
Jul 24, 2001
Buffalo, New York, USA/Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada
I have been offered a free upgrade from 5.5 to 6.0. Several months ago there was some discussion about this. Anyone had any problems with the new one? I have Windows 95. Any current comments from you techies out there? Thanks!
Give Opera 6 a try.

Its free and it loads pages way faster than IE any version.

I have found that Opera doesn't seem to handle some submission pages like the voting booth on the grumble, so I have to open IE for that, and it is just so painfully slow.
Originally posted by Framar:
I have been offered a free upgrade from 5.5 to 6.0.
All versions of IE are "free".

I personally do recommend 6.0 if you are using IE. I have had no problems whatsoever with it.
The absolute best source of information on anything Microsoft is Woody's Watch series, which is broken down into Windows, Office, IE, etc etc. Lots of patches and gurus to help with problems, too.

This link puts you to the equivalent of the Grumbler page showing the different forums for each MS product.

Main portal:
I'm with Kit on this one.

I installed IE-6.0 and used it for a couple days and I uninstalled it and went back to IE-5.5.

If you want to try 6.0 go ahead and install it. If you decide you don't like it, simply uninstall it using the uninstall function in "Control Panel" and Windows will automatically revert to the last version on your computer before installing 6.0.

BTW, I removed it for the same reasons that I will not buy a computer with Windows XP on it. I won't use any program with "Smart Tags" imbedded int it.

If you want to learn more about THESE little critters, do a Google search on them (in quotes so the entire name is searched as a single term)


Well I like 6.0. I'd also think about upgrading to Win 98 SE, though that one won't be free. (Contact me privately about that, if you like.)
Windows ME is not my friend and XP probably won't be allowed into the Eggers household anytime soon.

I have heard good things about Opera, but Osgood, God love 'im, is notoriously anti-Microsoft. I'm surprised he's using Windows. ;)

I had fun playing with Netscape for a while, but I haven't opened it in some time.

Confused yet?

Will Win95 support IE 6. well? The tech industry doesn't like old stuff--they think anything over three years is obsolete. (They haven't seen my Mom's closet.)

I have a six-year-old Gateway in the shop; and when I ask for anything for it, they all cluck and make small sad murmuring sounds. Sheez.
Ron, Why don't you like Windows ME? I am a new computer user and that is what is on my computer. Therefore, I don't know the difference.
My computer is a Compaq MV540 with Windows ME. It was a wonderful gift. What am I missing?
May Bill Gates' armpits be infested with the gnats from a thousand camels.

Anyway, Windows 2000 (known as Win2K) is actually not too bad. It and XP (which is actually 2002) run on Microsoft's NT platform and is the most stable Windows platform around.

Used to your computer freezing at wierd times and places and the only thing you can do is give it a cold re-boot? Not with 2000 or XP; it's FINALLY running without lots of crashes!

But listen to this very carefully: Do NOT install any Win2K (including XP) over the top of a 95 or 98 operating system, especially ME. I made the mistake of doing that and have the most unstable mess on my laptop you can believe.

You have to completely re-format the hard disk, install Win2K and then re-install all the software, assuming somebody hasn't run off with the CDs by now.

But once you're over that hump it's a piece of cake.
Purple Person,

My recommendation, based on personal experiences and not on any particular expertise, is this: Stick with whatever operating system came with your computer. (Contrary to what I told Framar.) Windows ME is a really awful "upgrade." The computer I'm using at this moment, my First-String computer, has recently been flushed out and switched back to the 98 SE it came with instead of ME. Now I can go for days instead of hours without the system locking up.

Don't feel bad about your Compaq. If it came with ME, that's what it should run. I have ME on 3 of the 4 computers I use for that very reason.

I've had no problems with 6.0.

BUT I recommend not upgrading from 95. Not because I don't like 98SE -- but because of the amount of system resources and memory needed. I don't expect I will ever upgrade an operating system again on any given computer without at least upgrading it's innards first. (98I and II the exception -- II is worth it!) One of my puter guru's says the final '95 version is the most stable MS has ever produced! Only one man's opinion.

My concern is going online with 95 a lot with all the security bug fixes that have occured in the past years that 95 may or not have. I frankly dunno.

I have access to computers with 95 (never have a problem, but also rarely go on line), 98, 98II and ME. I so didn't want ME -- but it is what was loaded on the factory built system and after long consideration decided to keep it instead of dumping and and starting over. And, like normal, when you get used to a change -- I actually prefer ME and since it's the newest, use this computer the most.

By the way, I heard that MS isn't supporting 98II anymore---so we're on our own. No more updates or bug fixes. So, we might just went to schedule getting new puters and XP somewhere between the time it works well and before it's outdated!!
Gee, thanks for the input, folks! And yes, I am confused. More than ever. I think I'll ask the guy that sold me the computer. I love to ask him dumb questions. I imagine the look on his face when he sees me is akin to the look on my face when certain customers come in my shop. Y'all know the look. ;)
Originally posted by rosetl:
By the way, I heard that MS isn't supporting 98II anymore---so we're on our own. No more updates or bug fixes. So, we might just went to schedule getting new puters and XP somewhere between the time it works well and before it's outdated!!
On this computer, running 98 SE, I get one of those automatic notices about every other time I go online that "updates are available." Usually they're security patches. And 98SE is still on the shelves in the stores.

I would certainly expect to see fewer patches and updates for 98, though. It's been around long enough so that SOME of the bugs should be fixed now. Personally I wouldn't be overly concerned about a possible lack of support from Microsoft on this.

But what do I know?

To upgrade or not to upgrade. Sometimes you just have to throw out that old rotary dial phone!!!
I had an older computer with '95. A friend pirate/upgraded it to '98. It worked OK until the hard drive crashed.. Well, it worked okay until somebody told me about the deltree command. Then, well, it sorta, ah, got really sick...

They say ignorance is bliss, and, if that's so, I must be the happiest man in the world. I don't know enough about computers to know what's good or bad. This Gateway has XP, and it does freeze up once in a while.

I upgreded the old IE 5.X to 6.0, and don't like it because it only supports hotmail. Seems like a lotta trouble to also enable Outlook Express. I like to be able to compose long emails off-line, then go on and send them. Now that we have a seperate line for the computer, that's no longer a real issue.

Kit has good advice. We used to use it at the Fone Company. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"

Sometimes the bells and whistles cause more noise...
Originally posted by Charles Lowry:
Kit has good advice. We used to use it at the Fone Company. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"
Charles, Have you ever heard Kit actually talk like that? And did you notice that Kit is living in NZ now?

Aside from that, I'll email you directions to make Outlook Express your default mail handler instead of Hotmail.

Originally posted by Kit:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />I'm with Kit on this one.
No, you're not, Tom. You just think you are.

</font>[/QUOTE]OK, now Kit, you and LE are gonna have to STOP this nonsense this instant!! You're really freaking me out with this switching addresses and trading names stuff.


I don't know who I am agreeing with and who I want to argue with, How is Lance changing all these posts of yours and his?? Heck, I am getting paranoid about the whole posting thing now.

I may just go sit in my bedroom and hug my teddy for the rest of the afternoon. (Which, coincidentally, contains a really gorgeous auburned hair beauty named ...........uh, well)

Originally posted by PurplePerson:
My computer is a Compaq MV540 with Windows ME. It was a wonderful gift. What am I missing?
Wow what a combination! A Compaq and Win ME!

I do feel very sorry for you indeed. :confused:

Then again, perhaps they will be suited to each other and work perfectly.
Originally posted by Ron Eggers:

I have heard good things about Opera, but Osgood, God love 'im, is notoriously anti-Microsoft. I'm surprised he's using Windows. ;)

I just don't know how you got that impression, Ron? ;)

The only reason I'm using bloody "Windoze" is because no-one has come up with anything better yet. What a sad indictment that is on current programmers.