International members?


Grumbler in Training
Nov 3, 2005
Hi! I'm a framingstudent from Sweden and I would like to know if there are some members from other countries than the US?

And I must add that I'm really impressed by the American framing creativity. Here in Sweden, it's like a sleeping town, when it comes to framing. I mean, you have framing magazines, webbsites, chat forums, great tips and ideas on how to improve your frameshop.

The attitude here is that you can't improve and there's no future for frameshops. So I feel that I have alot of thing that I can change. And I feel very positive about my future as a framer. Just because the framers here are sort of sleeping. Bye from Madeleine
Hi, Madeleine, welcome to The Grumble.

We’ve got people from Australia, New Zealand, The Philippines, the U.K. and some from the mythical kingdom of Canada. Not many (or any) from other parts of Europe than I remember.

You are more than welcome here since your English seems to be better than most of us.
Hi Madeleine,
Welcome to the Grumble.
What an awesome opportunity to be in the position you are in. Take that entrepreneureal spirit and run with it. Professional Picture Framing is a growing business in the States, but you are welcome to take our ideas and any information you can learn from this site to inform yourself and make your business grow.

We are a creative bunch here on the grumble, but as you have probably come to realize, real sticklers for doing things the proper way. Take advantage of the PFM Magazine and periodicals that inform proper faming techniques.

Good luck to you,

Hi Madelaine,
I am from Australia and regularly view the Grumble. (You could say I am addicted, I am thinking of pursueing one of those methodiene programmes.) Its a great place to get advise and even just to hang out. You'll learn heaps from this forum. It is the best resource I know of.

Feel free to visit one of the Australian forums as well
If I dont see you there as well. I hope to see you here more often.
Originally posted by Creative Chicks:
....... We are a creative bunch here on the grumble, but as you have probably come to realize, real sticklers for doing things the proper way .......
Hi Madeleine,

I am from Australia. The above is one of the reasons I am taking a working holiday in America. I too am very impressed and want to learn as much as I can from people who care deeply for what they are framing and the clients that bring it.

Unfortunatly there are framers that don't do things the proper way. It is exciting to hear of other people like yourself that have a passion for framing. Please "STAY AWAKE" and strive to offer the best service and product possible as you create in Sweden.

All the best
Sam ;)
Hi Madeleine,
East Yorkshire UK
Hej Madeleine och välkommen till Världen's Besta Inramning Universitetet The Grumble! (was that right?)

Good to see more Nordic people here. There's a lot of good information and helpfull people here. I just wish I had more time to spend here these days. Besides hanging out here you should consider making a trip (or three) to a one of the US trade shows. Foreign framers (at least Finnish :D ) are warmly welcomed there and you will learn A LOT in just five days and the trip will pay for itself quite quickly.

Just curious, are you being taught in a frameshop or do you have vocational education for framers funded by the state there?

It's surprising to me that Swedish framers have
that kind of attitude - even in Stockholm. Why is there a spirit that "you can't improve and there's no future for frameshops?" Do you have this no-frame trend there too that people decorate their homes with interior decoration fabrics stretched over bars? That doesn't leave much work for framers (except the stretching job).

Ten years ago we visited Stockholm with Finnish Framers Association and attended a seminar by Manfred Soeder, a very skillfull conservator/framer. It left me with the impression that Swedish framers know their conservation framing pretty well.
<font size ="-1">kwote by Bill Henry:</font>
<HR>mythical Kingdom of Canada<HR>

No no no Bill, Madeleine asked about other countries, not states of the US.
or some of us live in a state of confusion!!!
Hi Madeleine,
Welcome to the Grumble.
Professional Picture Framing is a growing business in the States, but you are welcome to take our ideas and any information you can learn from this site to inform yourself and make your business grow.

Just curious about this statement. Of course it is good to think positive, but I was under the impression that framing was on the decline due to competition from big box stores, consumer spending habits and the economy. We lost many framers in my neck of the woods. This caused me to decide not to pursue opening a framing business.
That's OK Sue, we get a lot of ebb & flow of framers around here. It's nice to see new blood. Threads get resurrected all of the time, although I hadn't noticed that most of the posts were from 2005. The original poster must have not found the Grumble to her liking with only 1 post. :icon45:
Soooo, where is Madeleine today? Is she still lurking on the grumble?

And if I resurrect the "Echo in here" thread would it show up in the Warped archives and Warped's newest threads? That's a warped concept, maybe the threads of time itself will get warped, too dangerous to satisfy the curiosity!
other countries

"Its Like A Whole Other Country" .........some days more than others


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