International Institute for Frame Study

Ron Eggers

SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Forum Donor
Jul 6, 2001
On the off-hand chance that I am not the only picture framer on The Grumble who never heard of this organization, here is a link to their website.

I ran across it looking for something else. (Isn't that always the way it goes.) When I spotted Bill Adair's name, I thought I'd better investigate.

Neat stuff.
I notice Tom Brokaw's name on that list too. Does that mean he will be doing a feature story on the importance of fine framing on the NBC EveningNews sometime soon?

:cool: Yeah, right.
On the off-hand chance that I am not the only picture framer on The Grumble who never heard of this organization, here is a link to their website.

I ran across it looking for something else. (Isn't that always the way it goes.) When I spotted Bill Adair's name, I thought I'd better investigate.

Neat stuff.

The website that yuo showed is incorrect and a bad link/
That's a 5 year old post - no wonder the link is wonky.

If Bill Adair is involved in any such frame organization I am sure he could be Googled - he's pretty famous.
That's funny

I get a page for the Indian Institute for Food Safety

In today's economy, you have to diversify. :) I really like the "Safe Handz Protocol". It has a nice urban ring to it.