Intergrated Framer Postcard

j Paul

PFG, Picture Framing God
Feb 23, 2004
Here is a peak at the postcard we are mailing.It is oversize 5.5 x 8.5 gloss front & back. Mailing 5000. Created with IF photos at 150DPI

SPECIAL NOTE: This message was edited at poster's request by MIKE, to remove oversized images. Please see message below for the new images...

[ 04-05-2006, 07:49 PM: Message edited by: Mike Labbe @ GTP ]
Here JPaul -
See if this is better


Maybe you could work a deal w/ your printer to do postcards for other "Grumblers" shops?
Hey Wizard!....wink, nod, know what I mean...

This would be great add on feature to the IF. A lot of shops can't afford the cost of nicely customed designed cards like this. Perhaps the manufacturer could help spread out the start-up costs?

Now, where did I put that wish list?

That looks great. That makes my latest mailer look cheesie! I have no idea how to put it up here, but Beleive me, it's nothing like that.

What does something like that run (cost) per postcard?

And if it is over size does it just take a regular stamp?

I have got to say WOW!

Your concept is perfect & "the scream" is well a scream.

Great Job
Thanks McPhoto for the resize, now if a moderator would just delete my original photos we could get this down to a viewable size for everyone.

As far as cost goes. I have a contract deal with a designer that runs about $800. to desing and print 5000 oversize full color gloss both side cards either 5 or 6 times in a 24 month period, can't remember off the top of my head. {this is our 3rd} Now ink jetting the names and postage currently runs .24 on this size card so $1,200. for 5000. So the total for the mailing is $2,000. We are mailing to our customer list and to selected areas only. I provided the list from a Criss cross directory on CD selecting just the neighborhoods that I wanted.
PS. Those are the same images that we are using on the Cable TV spot that we are running. Sorry I don't know how to upload the 30sec spot to a hosting service. Anyone know how to do that and can walk me thru, I'll be glad to post it as well.
J Paul, Just cut his images and replace them with yours under the same name in photobucket.....then your images will be exactly the same size as his.
Originally posted by wpfay:
Hey Wizard!....wink, nod, know what I mean...

This would be great add on feature to the IF. A lot of shops can't afford the cost of nicely customed designed cards like this. Perhaps the manufacturer could help spread out the start-up costs?

Now, where did I put that wish list?
How right you are Wally! This is a no-brainer.
Originally posted by Jay H:
J Paul, Just cut his images and replace them with yours under the same name in photobucket.....then your images will be exactly the same size as his.
Jay, I can do that but I can't edit my first post and delete the oversize pictures.
When I try message comes up that my time to edit post has passed. Guess they'll stay unless someone with powers beyond mine intercedes.
PS. Those are the same images that we are using on the Cable TV spot that we are running. Sorry I don't know how to upload the 30sec spot to a hosting service. Anyone know how to do that and can walk me thru, I'll be glad to post it as well.
When we had our spots edited, we were given a copy on DVD which plays on our home player. But, we needed to have that format converted to Windows Media and QuickTime in order to plunk them on our web site (click on “As seen on TV”). We found guy in Hampton, NH who did this for us. As I recall he charged us $30 for each conversion. We were reluctant to let the DVD out of our sight, so we transferred the files electronically (he has a dedicated .ftp site) which, if you have broadband, will take, maybe, fifteen minutes. If you only have a copy on tape, I’m not sure, but you may need to mail it.

We opted to keep each 30” spot to 320 x 240 pixels (~1.2 mb) to keep downloading time to a minimum. Check out Beacon Digital Video and ask for Dave Doherty.
Wow, jPaul, fantastic presentation and good copy. It makes ME want to come to your shop right away.
Here is another Idea that just fell in our lap and only is going to cost $25.00. Our local elementary school is having its Spring Carnival on May 12th with about 500 famlies. They want a $25.00 donation and in exchange they will blow up my letter size flyer to poster size and place in front of one of the rides as the sponsor. I can also place business cards of other handouts. How can I loose, I would donate the $25.00 anyhow!

You can always use a place like modern postcard to print the postcards-they are pretty cheap and if you do it well they will look great. Not that expensive. I don't know if J paul's included design as well.

I'm bringing this back up in hopes that we can use this one ongoing thread to share with each other some of the different ways folks have marketed the visualization software in their shops, Integrated Framer, Picture-It-First, Art-teck, Pre-View, etc.

I think the postcard you mailed, jPaul is awesome. (Any chance that might be able to mail me a hard copy?
) I know that Jim Miller also produced a very good looking mailing piece that perhaps he'll share.

We're currently running our TV spot at the moment and here it is: Visualization - TFW (This should load within a few minutes onto Real Player or Windows Media Player.)

You can also access it on a page through our Website Thanks for the idea Bill as I borrowed your "As Seen on TV" tag. ;) I believe that Judy Nasel has also produced a TV spot that I'd love to see.

Originally posted by j Paul:
...Sorry I don't know how to upload the 30sec spot to a hosting service. Anyone know how to do that and can walk me thru, I'll be glad to post it as well.

I just learned of a great website to upload files where they are converted to Macromedia Flash...

You Tube



[ 07-07-2006, 02:21 PM: Message edited by: John Ranes II, CPF, GCF ]
Pretty sweet, John... I especially like how you plonked all your ads on your site with YouTube. Totally painless.

I'd love to do a TV spot for my shop, but I think we're going to stick with direct mailings for a while. I don't think the owner of my shop is ready for that kind of marketing push yet (and it helps when my wife is a professional desktop publishier and can do all the print ads and layouts).
Originally posted by WizSteve:
.......and it helps when my wife is a professional desktop publishier and can do all the print ads and layouts).

Please have her rough up an estimate to design a IF Visualization oversized postcard for me - one side color, back side B&W. I'd love to pay her for a great design!

Here is the postcard for our Sept mailing of 5000 again to the same households. We decided to run the same card again with a few changes.

1.Changed the background color.
2.Front of card added: As Seen on TV
3. Back of card: Changed offer!



Kind of neat that they just recovered the Munch painting of the Scream, after what was it two years! Maybe a sublimanal connection.
Looks great!

The images you sent me went out in my adds and to my current customers.

Thanks again for your help, you made it so much easier for me to get the word out.

I am a little jealous of the 27" display, mine is only 20" (just got it in today).

Originally posted by EllenAtHowards:
So, what was the return on the initial mailing?
Didn't (couldn't) really track return on the first ones as it was really intended just as an announcement that hey we have this great new program. Between it and the TV spots did have alot of people come in.

This time around we have changed it slightly and have included a specific offer so we will be able to track it success.
jPaul, were you able to track your ROI on your IF postcard? If so, would you mind sharing your results? If anyone else out there has had a return on any IF advertising (postcard or other), it would be interesting to hear your results, as well.
That of course assumes that I did not pay the royalty!

I have that poster/print for sale in my store so really I am just advertising it. Kinda the same thing as playing the CD's that you have for sale.;)
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