Intel Pentium vs Xenon ???

Tim Hayes.

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Aug 31, 2001
I am looking to purhase a new DELL for the my new second location opeing in mid-Nov. I am by NO means a computer guru. Currently own 4 DELLs and like them. I have no idea what the difference is between Intel Pentium and Xenon. Your input would be appreciated.
Tim Hayes

[ 09-09-2003, 02:03 PM: Message edited by: Tim Hayes ]
The Xenon is a dual processor chip. That means that there are 2 processors on one motherboard.

Unless you are a high end gamer or a ISP you do not need a dual processor system.
The Xenon is a chip with a very large onboard memory cache and is aimed at server and "workstation" (computers used primarily for high-end CAD and video editing) applications. Motherboards designed for the Xenon can use from 1-8 Xenon processors.

A current model regular Pentium P4 (around 3Ghz) should be much more than adequate for just about anything you will throw at it.