I'm just buying FrameReady from Molly in Spokane and transfering the license with update to V5.0 and a subscription. Haven't received yet. I'm also new to QuickBooks and feeling my way through its fairly easy interface.
The system I used to use when I had three locations, stocked 35,000 items and tracked close to 60,000 SKU's was a closed Unix based system called TRIAD. It's the same one Ace Hardware and some other national chains use. VERY sophisticated and expensive. Just ask Bill Cavanaugh from C.C.Lowell in Worcester, MA.
I'm elated at the low cost of support and software costs with QuickBooks and our industry specific software packages...and...new concept...I don't have to buy every piece of hardware from the software developer! TRIAD was well over a $ 50,000 system and ran close to $ 2000.00 per month, yes, PER MONTH for support.
I see real value to integrating the accounting software with framer's software. Having all data accessible has many advantages and memory is so cheap and processor speeds so fast compared to just a few years ago. As newer versions of each
software come out the ability to tailor reports and charts, graphs, etc., become easier and easier.
I worked for a while with a two system set-up and the amount of manual information I had to enter to get some reports I wanted would have required a full time systems person.
Now, my life was more complicated then and I had to crunch numbers...now I enjoy pounding nails in beautiful wood...but I still know I need good, accurate accounting information that means something to me without having to do macros in spreadsheet programs...yuk!
I would rather spend two or three minutes a day looking at reports tailored the way I want them and boiled down to the information I want and enjoy seeing than doing data entry.
If one spends 3 minutes a day doing the cross entries times, say 300 days a year...that's 900 minutes or 15 hours a year. I think in reality it takes longer and a well designed system will not make the errors that we weak mortals do in the entry process.
Say our time is worth $ 30.00 an hour. We could save $ 450.00 a year just in data entry time...not to mention all the other advantages. Would you be willing to pay another $500 - 1000 for your software package if it could seamlessly integrate. I would at the drop of a stick. Would that amount pay the developement/licensing cost?
Just putting forth some thoughts...again, I may sound like I know what I'm talking about, but in reality my knowledge base is just from experience using other systems. I have no idea of the practicality of our situation.
I really am not an egg head number crunching kinda guy. In fact I hate the accounting processes, but do enjoy the information that foams to the top when it's available.
Dave Makielski
Makielski Art Shop
Edwardsburg, MI
574-532-6412 (cell)
"Pull together...get farther...faster".