integrated framer or picture it first?


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Feb 16, 2006
Central North Carolina
Ordered a Wizard 8000 today!

also tried out integrated framer software and really liked it.
I am using lifesaver pos and it ties in with their picture it first software (which I have not seen first hand) so...besides cost
which is better? any opinions to share?
thanks for replies
There are some comps in this forum if you check out both systems. I have IF and think that it allows you to do so much more. With Picture it First all you can show at least as of 1-06 is rctangular mats. With IF you can show all the corners that Wizard cuts as well as multible openings. We liked that PiF tied in with Lifesaver but If just does so much more at this point.
We chose PiF - just liked it better, plus we've used Wizard for years and have a good relationship with them.
IMHO you cna't go wrong with either. While PiF seems to offer more now, visualization software is/will be such an important piece of equipment in the future (think matcutter, wall mount, etc) that the differences will probably even out over time.

PiF is Lifesaver's thing. Don't you mean Wizard Intergrated Framer (WIF)? I thought thats what you use Tony!
If I'm not mistaken, there will soon be another to compare.

I chose Wizard's Integrated Framer primarily because I do like to use the specialty cuts; arched mats, notch corners etc. So far it's usually involves me doodling what the corner will look like on scrap paper and a bewildered looking client saying "I just can't picture it".

I haven't installed the software yet, but I expect it to help with this type of transactions.