Instant Messenging

  • Thread starter Thread starter RonEggers
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Some Grumblers use MS Instant Messenger, AOL Instant Messenger, Yahoo IM, ICQ or some combination of those to chat in real time about all kinds of urgent matters. Until now, you had to load IM software for each messenging service you used. Trillium, a free download, allows you to load one program and use all the major messenging services. As the blurb says:

"Trillian is everything you need for instant messaging. Connect to ICQ, AOL Instant Messenger, MSN Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger and IRC in a single, sleek and slim interface."


Check it out and let me know what you think.

Ok, I went to this site. What the heck are they talking about? What are skins? Are they talking about color combinations of some sort of windows? How much does Instant Messaging add to your total Internet bill?
And why would I need it, as I am mostly on line in the midnight hours and the rest of you seem to keep more normal hours.

Just some stupid questions from the Net Novice.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Framar:
What are skins? How much does Instant Messaging add to your total Internet bill?
And why would I need it, as I am mostly on line in the midnight hours and the rest of you seem to keep more normal hours.

"Skins" change the way the software looks - kinda like changing the faceplate on a cell phone. (I don't understand the appeal of that one, either.) If, like most folks, you have an unlimited time plan with your internet service provider, instant messenging won't add to your internet bill at all. And you'd be surprised who's on line after midnight - not me, of course, since I am elderly and sensible, but lots of Grumblers.

I think you'd enjoy instant messenging, Framar, and it has ocassional non-recreactional uses as well.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by RonEggers:
... and it has ocassional non-recreactional uses as well.


What do you mean by that Ron? I thought ALL our conversations were work related!

OK, then I guess I'm out. I only have 100 hours per month, which is WAY more than I use (despite the fact that MOST of the time is spent HERE on the G). The only reason I've signed up for 100 hours is that the next category down is only 15 hours and that is too few hours. I am just a cheapskate.

If you have way more hours than you actually use, Instant Messenging might be a great way to use some of the hours that you're paying for anyway! Three hours/day is probably more than even I can use.

For all of you who are afraid that Instant Messenging (IM) could become a big Black Hole that'll suck up every waking minute of your day, I can only give you a real-life example that I think is pretty typical.

I started actively chatting with a handful of Grumblers in August when I happened to be on vacation. Sometimes the chat sessions ran into the wee hours. I probably would've used up 100 hours in those two weeks. But I got to know a few people that I wouldn't have known otherwise, except from their Grumble posts, and I consider some of them among my best friends, though we've never met face-to-face. That probably sounds pretty strange if you haven't done the same thing.

I normally keep my chat sessions to a more sensible length now. I rarely chat at work and, when I do, it's more of a quick howdy when I notice someone I know is on line.

On September 11, however, I spent most of the day on line with Linda Foote. (I don't think Linda will mind me sharing this.) Our mutual "hand-holding" was helpful for both of us. Late in the day, Linda was able to locate a friend's daughter in the Washington area and get a message to my friend that her daughter was okay.

IM is a tool, like a telephone or a computer. It can be great fun or, if abused, it can be a huge time-waster. If anyone wants to try it and you're not sure how to get started, drop my a note.

A Grumbler near and dear to us emailed me and asked what to do next after downloading and installing Trillian. I'm addressing that question here in case anyone else is interested. Trillian is not the only way to get started with instant messenging, but I think it's the best way to go for now.

  1. <LI>After Trillian is downloaded and installed, you'll have a Trillian icon on your desktop. If you don't also have an icon in the system tray (lower right corner of your screen) Trillian is not yet open, so double-click on the desktop icon to open it.
    <LI>You'll get a window that has been described as looking like a GameBoy. If you don't have it, click on the icon in the system tray to open your "GameBoy."
    <LI>Toward the bottom of the GameBoy you'll see 5 tiny icons representing the supported chats: Yahoo, IRC, MSN, AOL/AIM, and ICQ. Just hover your mouse cursor over an icon to see which is which. (This works with all the icons in Trillian.)
    <LI>Click on one that you'd like to set up (maybe MSN AOL to start with.) Choose "Connection Manager" from the window that pops up.
    <LI>If you already have an MSN passport (like a hotmail account) just fill in the blanks. Otherwise, click on "Create a new MSN Messenger account (Passport)" and follow the prompts. You'll need to be on line to do this! It's free and painless.
    <LI>Check the box that says "Automatically sign on to this account . . ." and then click on "connect."
    <LI>Follow the same procedure for other services you'd like to sign up for (or already have accounts with.) I'd recommend MSN and AOL to start with. I'd also be interested in hearing if anyone is using Yahoo, IRC or ICQ.
    <LI>If you have previously used one of the IM services and have a contact or buddy list, you can import this list by clicking on the plus sign at the top of the GameBoy. You use this same button to add contacts manually. To do that, you'll need the contact's screen name. When you get that far, email me and I'll send you my screen names. If anyone thinks it would be a good idea to publish screen names here, let's hear from you. We can start with yours.
    <LI>After you have some contacts listed on your GameBoy (I hope I won't be hearing from Nintendo lawyers, Linda!) you'll see which ones are on line when you are. To send a message to one, right-click on the name and choose "send message." If the contact hasn't heard from you before, he/she will have the option of accepting your message, responding and adding you to her contact list. Or, as often happens to me, she can log off, give away her computer and enter a convent.
    <LI>Trillian won't open automatically when you go on line, at least the way I have it set up. If you right-click on the icon in the system tray and choose "connection" then "global reconnect," you'll be up and running. "Global disconnect" will shut down Trillian while you're still on line in case you're busy or anti-social. You can also set up messages to other users that you're "busy", "away", "pretending to be busy or away", etc.
    <LI>With a little practice, you can send files and photos with IM, you can have a conversation with several contacts at the same time, and all kinds of other wonderful things.
If/when you run into problems, email me or post your question here.

I've been considering this on our home computer when and if when can persuade it to talk to a modem. Just a little warning though, keep your virus protection up to date at all times. While there are no known problems at this time, my internet provider in their monthly newsletter yesterday said they are starting to see the beginnings of worms being developed by hackers to be spread through IM, similar to the SIRCAM worm, etc. Nothing is safe any more.

Anne LeBouton
FYI: I was talking to a friend who has IM from ICQ and she told me she gets tons of junk with it. She said the last time she turned on her computer there were so many layers of message windows on top of each other that it "looked like a cube." And she said it was a lot of nasty stuff, like "See naked stars" and "nasty teens" etc. I think I have enough on my plate at the moment.

Since I am making every effort to navigate this techy world, I just got a copy of "Teach yourself windows 95 in 24 hours" and "The complete idiot's guide to windows 95" (don't worry, I bought them from my favorite vice: Edward R. Hamilton, bookseller, at a really cheap price! Don't laugh, baby steps...
With MSN Messenger and AOL, you only accept messages from people you want to. You can configure both to ignore messages from anyone who's not on your contact list. I have no idea how it works with ICQ, but it sounds a lot like email.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by RonEggers:
With MSN Messenger and AOL, you only accept messages from people you want to. You can configure both to ignore messages from anyone who's not on your contact list. I have no idea how it works with ICQ, but it sounds a lot like email.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

ICQ has the same ability as you describe. I have been using ICQ very soon after it was introduced. In fact I am the 852924th person to subscribe to it.

Prior to ICQ being available, I used a program called PowWow. I understand that the PowWow site was run by some indigenous North American people, but I do not know who exactly. PowWow seems to have completely shut down now.

I would love to chat with some of you people over there in the land of the dollar bill, but your time clock is way out of whack!
I have downloaded Trillian and installed it, I hope to try it out soon.
Osgood, you will be surprised at how many Grumblers you will find online at very peculiar hours of the day.
Trillian conflicted with a graphics driver on my work PC but I put it on my home computer, even though I never use it. :rolleyes:
I can send messages with Trillian to someone with ICQ (I have always used ICQ) but I am not receiving messages from that person.

Any ideas why?
I understand Osgood has somehow resolved his ICQ/Trillian problem, but I've discovered an odd little quirk of my own. You can use Trillian for MS IM, Yahoo messenger (did you know there was a Yahoo messenger?), IRC and either AIM or ICQ, but not both at the same time. I understand ICQ is now owned by AOL, but I can't for the life-of-me understand why they woudn't want you to use both.

This probably won't affect very many of you, but it affects me. It turns out there a Grumblers who use MS IM, AIM, ICQ and even Yahoo. (Does anyone use IRC?) There are several that use the telephone and even a couple that just get in the car and drive over when they want to chat. It would be nice if there were an official Grumbler chat standard, but I understand everyone has their favorite.

There was a thread, long long ago, where a bunch of Grumblers listed their ICQ numbers. Unfortunately, the vast majority of those Grumblers are no longer active on TG. So, for anyone who's interested, here are my chat contact names. I have no reservations about listing these, because it's very easy to block anyone on any of these systems. In fact, when I first signed on to ICQ, I was immediately greeted by a very friendly person named Linda. Not wanting to be rude, I said, "Hi." Linda must have been pretty busy. It took a minute or so, but her next words were, "How do you feel about erotica?" Linda's gone now - lost in space. I get enough spam from my email. (BTW, I'm almost certain that wasn't our Linda.)

AIM: roneggers5
Yahoo: jrone39
ICQ: 148905159

I'd encourage other Grumblers who are interested in chatting to list their contact info as well.

Also a couple of tips if you're trying instant messenging for the first time:
  • When you IM a Grumbler for the first time, identify yourself as a Grumbler - especially if your screen name is something like GH56C45&.
  • Just because someone is on-line, don't assume they have time to chat - just ask. And don't get hurt feelings if they say, "Busy now, but I'll catch you later."
  • Spontaneity is one of the highlights of Instant Messenging, but unlike The Grumble, you can't edit chat messages once they're sent. Think before you press that send button.
Did I miss anything?

And, finally, can anyone tell me if "messenging" is even a real word? I have my doubts.
From ZDNet News:

Firing another salvo in the battle over instant messaging, America Online is blocking people using the Trillian interface from linking to its AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) system.

<a href="" target="_blank">AOL shuts out users in battle over IM
And, finally, can anyone tell me if "messenging" is even a real word? I have my doubts.[/QB][/QUOTE]

My understanding is that if a new word is used on a regular bases it is after a period of time added to the Oxford English Dictionary, we generally get a article in the papers at least once a year of new words that have entered the English language.
And, finally, can anyone tell me if "messenging" is even a real word? I have my doubts.

It's not a word. But if it were a word, it would be a gerund.

Somehow, I don't find 'messaging' as objectionable as 'scrapbooking', which is not a word and (I hope) never will be.

Captain English